had a shock today i wasn't expecting it


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2008
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well i have been so postive and i still am about this pregnany but i walked past the baby clothes isle at tescos and couldn't bring myself to look at them and imagine my baby in any of it i just couldn't even look at the baby clothes :shock: its unusal for me i normaly love gonig to the baby clothes isle but becasue of bambino it just feels weird whats it gonig to be like when i start buying clothes for little Mat? (nickname for bean is little Mat lol) i know its early days and i'll be fine once i have seen/heared little Mats heartbeat
Aw I know how you feel, it took me a while before I could start looking at baby stuff, I completely blanked it till my scan - not deliberately, I just wasn't interested in looking. It took me until about 16 weeks to start enjoying my pregnancy but now I'm really happy and I've been having fun looking at all the baby stuff I want.

You'll get there - just don't worry about it, we all deal with things in our own way - and time!
oh Anna :hug: :hug: :hug: I know how you feel - I am still finding it hard to actually think about buying anything... I cannot believe our luck - I'm sure we will both eventually come around to believing it.

Jane x
I've just been out and bought loads, I'm thinking I'm going to keep trying till it happens. I've decided that I'm going to be positive from now on - don't worry Anna a few more weeks and you'll be putting something in your trolley! :hug:
well i've decided after my 12 week scan (10 weeks if i have a early scan done privatly like planned) i'm going to celebrate it by going out and buying lil Mat a baby grow or outfit :D and them go slowly from then :) hopefully once i have seen his heart beat (i'm sure its a boy lol) i'll be ok and start enjoying buying stuff but in the mean time i'm going to enjoy being pregnant :D thanks guys for listening
Anna23 said:
well i've decided after my 12 week scan (10 weeks if i have a early scan done privatly like planned) i'm going to celebrate it by going out and buying lil Mat a baby grow or outfit :D and them go slowly from then :) hopefully once i have seen his heart beat (i'm sure its a boy lol) i'll be ok and start enjoying buying stuff but in the mean time i'm going to enjoy being pregnant :D thanks guys for listening

Thats exactly whgat I did, I bought NOTHING until after the 12 week scan, and every month I bought a little more and gradually it built up
xx :hug:
I was like that, i bought a few things then when i had to have the tests for Downs i suddenly couldnt even look at baby thing, it was all put away and didnt buy or look at another thing till i had my results.
Arr bless hun,
Your understanably still grieving and it was only a short while ago it happened.
Its great news that your pregnant but maybe you are scared it will happen again but they are rare hun :hug:
I hope after your 1st scan you start to feel better :hug:

M y thoughts are with you. :hug:
Morganuk said:
Arr bless hun,
Your understanably still grieving and it was only a short while ago it happened.
Its great news that your pregnant but maybe you are scared it will happen again but they are rare hun :hug:
I hope after your 1st scan you start to feel better :hug:

M y thoughts are with you. :hug:
aww thanks :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: try and be positive hun i know its hard xxxxxxxxxxxx

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