Had a rubbish week :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
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Hey guys,
Sorry for the moan, had a rubbish week. Been feeling crap since last Saturday as the rest of the family have had a tummy bug that I caught, was throwing up all day but then it passed and I started to feel a bit better. We also had some bad news, my DH Nan passed away at the weekend and we had to help organise the funeral etc.. which was on Thursday. On Wednesday night however I passed out in the car on the way home, was out for 8 minutes, ended up in an ambulance and in hospital overnight. Was discharged on Thursday morning as they put it down to the bug and bump sat in a bad spot and pressing on an artery.

Made it to DH Nans funeral but was knackered after, ended up sleeping most of the afternoon at his Dads, then on Friday morning I started being sick again. I mean really sick, couldnt keep anything down. Hubby rang the MW at about 1:30pm as I had been throwing up solidly since 5am. So back to hospital we go, get there and I was put on a drip as I was really dehydrated, never felt so ill! Had about 12 bags of fluid in the end, plus anti sickness stuff and anti biotics.

Bless them they were great in the hospital, had hundreds of blood tests, including a horrible one out of an artery in my wrist! (ouch!) and have been put on anti biotics as I have a nasty bug it would appear.

Bump is fine though :) thank goodness, just me feeling rotten, back home now, still feeling rough but not throwing up now, hooray! Just got to take it easy, hubby has been great bless him, but he was really worried and I think its catching up on him as hes asleep on the sofa at the mo, bless :)

Just thought I'd fill you all in on whats been happening, sorry for the long post, just been a rough week.

Oh god that sounds absolutely awful! Youre having such a rotten time atm, surely it will end soon :(!! Glad you're feeling better though and bump is all good. How is your OH at the minute?? Xxx
Good grief you've been through the mill this week! Very glad the hospital have been treating you though. Get some rest now you are back home. Hope your DH is bearing up ok. Very rough all round.
How awful for u going thru all that :( glad u r feeling better xx
Omg our week sours horrendous! I really hope that u get 100% better soon. Take it easy lady xxx
:( sorry to hear that T Owl, sounds really poop! hope u have a much better week this week xxxxxxxx
Sounds awful!
Hope you're feeling better now and glad all is well with little one.
ah bless you x x hope your feeling better now x x x
Hey guys, feeling much better thanks, on an amazing amount of pills though! They keep giving me extra ones, on metphormin, iron, anti biotics and anti-acid tablets now. DH is doing ok at the mo, thanks for asking :) he's been stressed and tired the last week which is understandable but health wise he's not doing too bad. Saw his consultant the other week and theyre referring him down to St Barts in London, so we've got to go down there for a consultation in the new year. Not sure what to expect, will have to see if they have any better ideas than the doctors in Edinburgh have.
Just nice to be home and feeling more human again.
Thanks for all the support guys, and congrats to all the new mums out there, I've been keeping an eye on the forum just not managed to post over the last week.
Hope your all well,
oh dear sounds like you had horrible time :( poor thing! Glad to hear you are better now! xx
oh dear you poor poor thing. Glad your feeling better hun and baba is doing well xxx
Oh bless you, what a rotten time you are having.........*hug*

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