had a bad diet day


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2011
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had crap to eat all day long and not had any fruit and veg, hopefully if i take a pregnacare it will balance it a bit x
Lol me too. I have been so good recently too. Started ok with porridge for breakfast. Small pork pie mid morning. Nandos for lunch. Went for an afternoon nap but took half an orange aero with me! Got DH to make me a ham n cheese toastie for tea. Scarfed a bag of crisps and a curly whirly. I'm so ashamed....
u jus gotta eat what u want to eat, thats what my MW said!
the vitamins help, and im sure ur not gonna want a bad diet every day, i vary day to day
Oh god every day is a bad eating day for me!
Must be something in the air. I've had a bad day too. Had cereal for breakfast, jacket potato for lunch, then a bag of crisps and a jammy wagon wheel and then fish and chips for dinner (oven cooked, not and from chippy) and I have a fresh cream cake in the fridge :blush: xx
Think we are all allowed a bad eating day or two chick, don't worry about it :) x
Why o why was a jammie wagon wheel mentioned? You know Im gonna have to get one now.
hiya Girls,

I have been trying my best not to have any sugar as I have a big family history of diabetes and was diabetic with my little girl. got tested early and all came back fine...have to be tested again at 28 weeks. Been so good cutting all sugar but the past two days baby is craving chocolate!!! any chocolate. This little one is not going to make it easy for me!!
ooh today i really forced myself to eat
i had :
2 weetabix
a chicken and bacon sandwich triple from the coop
2 bags of crisps
melon slices
a big mac, fries and a double cheeseburger

man do i feel stuffed to bursting, this is more than ive eaten in the past 3 days put together lol
Oh so so glad it's not just me... I have eaten junk all day long, and yesterday wasn't much better. Fatal move buying the 24 pack bag of Walkers crisps yesterday - the offer seemed good, but now I keep eating them!
Tomorrow I must try to get some fruit and veg in me! :)
I had a bowl of coco pops and half a dominos pizza today! Nearly threw up after though - way too greasy! x
I eat crap pretty much most days. I do try to eat a few fruit n veg tho. And my pregnancy vitamins. I just struggle with deciding what to eat. So fussy lately!xx
That's what I tell myself ha ha ha. I feel like all I've eaten today is cheese - grrrr.

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