Had 1st Antenatal Class Yesterday *Rant*


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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The Antenatal Class seemed just really unorganized, they didnt seem to know how many women would be coming - even though you had to phone before hand to book and say you wanted to go?!

So me and my OH get there for 1:30 when it was said it was starting and the room is FULL already.. so half the room had to shuffle along so we could sit down :oops: (how embarrassed did i feel making everyone have to move!) so were sitting down at the back of the room which has a half size door gate thing open with the sun beaming right onto our backs!
Then more people are arriving and more and then a couple more! The 2 women running it had to keep getting up to get more chairs, so im looking round the room and everyone looks abit miffed as there was only 1 fan in the room and it didnt reach everyone, it was soo hot yesterday aswell!

Anyways 1 of the women said 'hi if you'd like to turn to your neighbours and introduce yourselves, we'll then go round the room and everyone introduce the people next to you', so the woman to my right says shes Jenny and asks my name... so i said 'hi im Rhiannon', she was like sorry? whats your name again? :oops: so i repeat it (god i hate my name and no1 can ever say it) she gives me a funny smile and turns away, then the woman to my left says shes Louise and asks my name, again i say Rhiannon and shes like :think: umm whats that again? *sigh* RHIANNON!

So every1 says the persons name next to them and then its Jenny's turn.. 'this is Claire and *looks at me* Rhiannan??' :wall: no! im not Rhiannan! Then i say Jenny and Louise, and Louise says 'this is Rhianna and Jo' :wall: no! im not Rhianna either! Next they pass round stickers so we write our names on them.

I'll just write down quick points on the other things otherwise this post will be super long:
- I couldnt help but compare everyones bumps, i had the 1 of the smallest in the room
- It just kept getting hotter
- In the break we went outside and so did some of the other people and a group of women started chatting and laughing but i felt really awkward about joining in so i just stood to the side with my OH
- My OH had to stand for 2hours and it was soo hot its a wonder he didnt pass out
- Near the end of the class a woman who had been looking abit peaky actually almost did pass out! They had to carry her to the next room so she could lie down! It was clearly too hot in the room for all of us to be crammed in together!
- 1 of the women who was running its name was Dinky lol
- I think i only learnt 1 new thing
- The 2 women running it kept pausing and looking through notes and asking eachother whats next
- Everyone except 2 other girls looked older than me
- I counted on the list of names and phone numbers of the group that there were 25 pregnant women at the class plus 7 people (OH's and friends) made over 30 people i thought there was only going to be about 15 of us so you could get to know eachother in a small group!

And someone at the end asked when is the tour of the hospital is (as it says on the piece of paper after every class a tour of the maternity unit will be arranged) and the woman said 'oh we'll talk about that next time and sort it out then'.. i was thinking noo! sort it out now, so now if i want the tour (which i do) i'll obviously have to go again and my OH said he wont be going to another class, i cant blame him!

How have your Antenatal Classes been girls? Sorry for the rant! x
aww im sorry it was so disapointing, it sounds really bad. cant believe they couldnt say you're name :roll:. I never found that the antinatal classes helped me much with Jack, nothing that i didnt know already especially with coming on here :lol:. So im not even bothering this time round. I never talked to anyone either, they all seemed older and not very sociable!
Sorry it was so rubbish!! Don't feel bad about the size of your bump, at my classes I was the farthest on and the smallest all the way to the end. Everyone thought I had ages to go and would say "oh you must have a while to go" and I'd be like "Nope, about 2 weeks actually!"
:hug: I think your right Mrs Jay (i always want to write Claire&Jack lol) you girls seem to know your stuff on here and everyones always got good advice i think ill get more from chatting and reading on PF than i will at the Antenatal Classes, i'll probably go next week just so i can go to the hospital tour though! Hopefully someone will get my name right next time :roll: x

Lol Becky nice to know im not the only 1 then, me and my OH actually thought my bump had had abit of a growth spurt over the last couple of weeks but looking at everyone elses bumps due around the same time as me i realized im not as big as ive been feeling and that other women have quite abit bigger bumps than me! x
Awww hun :hug: How stupid are these people, it's not like Rhiannon is a difficult name to say! I think it's a really pretty name :)

My classes start next Thursday, I'm excited about them! :dance:

C xxx
Aww sorry it was so bad for you! :( I went to two types of classes: an evening one with my husband and a women's only day one, which I am about to finish tomorrow. I had a somewhat similar experience (not as bad though) as you for the evening one... It was very hot and they definitely overpacked the room... Maybe 30 people as well, and twice that on the last one (though to be fair they split us up for that). They had one small pitcher of water for everyone and the fans were pretty pathetic. They sounded more organised than for you, but also didn't know how many people would be coming. It seemed like some people did show up unannounced, though. I didn't learn anything but found it nice to do something pregnancy related for a change because I hadn't really up until then, and it was amusing to hear some of the men's (really stupid) questions! It was also nice to hear some of the things I already knew confirmed by midwives. I didn't get a tour of my hospital- they don't do that here and instead hand out photos! Maybe you could call and say you can't make the next class but want to take part in the tour?

My daytime class was much better, by the way. We talked about anything we wanted (with some structure but not TOO much)... Still too hot though!
Oh sorry it was such a shambles :hug: Sounds like it wasn't well organised in the slightest!!

Can't you ring your hospital and find out the tour from there rather than having to endure another 2 hours of all that?!

I was the least farthest gone at my class and the only one due in August. I felt really awkward when the woman running it said "any August babies?" everyone looked round at lil old me with my hand up! She then said "ahhh getting in early I see" as if I should have waited til I was further along! It was the only class I could make though and I hated every second of it! The chairs were uncomfortable and everyone else seemed to know each other. It was really hot on the day I went too and the sun was on us because the blinds had broken.

If you do decide to go to the next one, I hope it's better run that this one!

Aww thanks for your replies girls, i mean i realize my names abit unusual as its welsh but as i was sitting there actually saying it to them you'd of thought they might understand what i was saying!:think:

I hope your classes are alot better than mine claireyfairey :hug:, i was really looking forward to mine but what with the bloody Chuckle Brothers running it, it didnt stand a chance of being any good!

Ooo i think phoning up to find out about the tour would be a much better idea than sitting through another of those classes, i hadnt even thought about just phoning to ask (my preggo brain didnt even think of that!) :doh: so i'll probably do that instead, thanks! :cheer:

Aww bless ya dannii, scary when everyone looks at you isnt it! I felt really awkward when we just had to say the peoples next to us names as it was all eyes on the person talking each time!

Your experience sounds similar to mine....30 people in one small room with a single fan and sun streaming in. A ditzy MW who forgot to bring any of the diagrams or pamphlets that she needed. The one good thing was that DH got to hear about stages of labour and what to expect as well as drug options so I feel he's a little more clued up on things and hopefully will be more able to give support. We had 2 classes like that and a 3rd at the hospital where I assumed we'd have a tour but they don't do them anymore. There's an online virtual tour but it's not the same. The hospital one was much better though as it was with a physiotherapist and she gave some practical exercises to do to help keep your body after the baby's born....could have done with the advice much earlier in pregnancy though...telling you what to do to keep your stomach muscles toned at 37 weeks is really a bit pointless! I'm just hoping that the planning is better at the delivery suite!
Aw, bless.

I had my first last night too. To say DH didn't want to go is an understatement... it was boiling, but worth it just for making him listen to some stuff and know what I need of him. I was very pleased to have one of the smallest bumps in the room though :D
That's a good point! The physio led session was definitely the best. We learned exercises, got to try the tens, did a relaxation exercise and even had our partners give us a physio-led back massage! :D
I always hate the introducing yourself part. On our second class we had to throw a ball around a circle saying each person's name before we threw to them. I was more worried about dropping the ball as I knew I wouldn't be able to pick it up again :D

I'm glad my classes are over - we had about 12 couples and I thought that was too many. I had a breastfeeding workshop today though and there were only 6 ladies at that. I much preferred that amount!

You'll probably find quite a few people drop out of the classes so it might be better next week
:wink: Ree I only went to one class cause I thought they were shite! It's obvouisly a thing in the area!
Jade&Evie said:
:wink: Ree I only went to one class cause I thought they were shite! It's obvouisly a thing in the area!

Lol Jade you must be right hun, i was really unimpressed with the class! Where was yours? Mine was in Hockley, there were women that had even come from Prittlewell and Westcliff! x

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