Gwyneth Paltrow

my cat is called Jack but I picked that 5 years ago when I found him. He is jet black so he is Jack Black. I love him, he is so silky.
she should have called the new baby Pine.....

think about it!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

she should have called the new baby Pine.....

LOL :lol: :lol:

Im not keen on mosses But i have always like Apple,
think it is pretty every one laughed at me when she had her lil girl and i said i liked it, but not if When she is 16 she turns in o a big fat Girl, i think it would spoil it

and hey as u can tell im loving the unusual names that no one has Dior.. :dance:

every one does make the joke thou
"oh why dont u call your son Christian"

its hard anough with my partner being called kris if i say in fast in a conversation, "oh im going home to Kris and Dior" :lol:
Yvonne said:
even Kim said it reminds her of am old man!! :lol: :lol:
Wait til i tell Jack that his future mother in law picks on his name!! ha ha ha :dance:

Did I??? :lol: :lol:

I can't remember that!!! :think:

Sorry Jack lol
Yes you did and i'm going to make sure he knows about it and you'll be one of those MIL that everyone hates!!! Lol :wink:

Only Joking, he'll love you really!! :dance:
LOL I really can't remember saying that, it must have been before you chose it as a name...

I feel awful now :(
I actually like the name Apple, as far as celeb names go these aren't too bad. Moses is not something I would choose but am sure it'll take off soon as a popular name choice. I hated my name when I was younger and wished that my mum had chosen somthing more popular but I wouldn't change it fior the world.
LOL . Actually beanie is my surname, my first name is heinz :D :D
Nothing wrong with Shona hun!!!!!! Its nice.
Thanks :D . I was the only Shona in my school and i hated that. Plus that bloomin Craig McLaughlin (he of the curly locks in neighbours) song "mona". Oh how i chuckled when my name was sung to me for the hundredth time. But I like it being a rare name now.
I hate my name, its an old womans name.

I wanted to have a more common name, mind you my mum was going to call me Ada after my grandma!! :shock: I'm glad my dad registered me and forgot what my mum was going to call me!! :dance: Lol

I like Shona
My name is Samantha, plain, simple, boring and very common for my age group. (call me it to my face and you're likely to get a stern look thrown back at ya!) The people with unusual names (like Charity and Heaven-Leigh) were the popular people in my school. There were millions of Sam's about. Hence I am Sami. I wanted to be called Madison and was determined I was going to change my name by deed poll when I was old enough. I turned 18 and couldn't be bothered! :lol:

I think after your name has been said a million times over to you, plain or unusual, you'll get sick of hearing it.

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