

Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2007
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Hi - I only joined on Friday, so you may not all know me - but I did my test on Sunday, you guessed it, big fat negative, then good old Aunt came to visit me this morning just to rub it in.

I am absolutely gutted, and beginning to worry, I really thought we had done everything right this month. Time is beginning to run out I fear... really upset today. :(
:hug: its a real downer when af arrives.
Good luck next month, i am ttc too at the moment, i have one 18 month old boy, but we really want another so far has been about 9 months.
:hug: :hug: to both of you. I hope you both get your bfp's soon.

Hi Jule, sorry this hasnt been your month :hug:

How long have you been trying for?
Thanks everyone!

Been trying for about 6 months now, but beginning to get really downhearted about it. I've never fallen pregnant before, so now asking whether or not its possible?!! I'm also 31 which would probably class me as an older mother...

they say it will take an average of 12 months to get preg - with ewan it took me 6 months.
31 an old mother?? BAHHHH!!! :rotfl:

Only messing babe, im 31, 32 next month and believe me we are in our prime :D

Fertility does start to peter down around about 35, but that doesnt mean we have any less a chance than anyone else.

Weve been trying 16 months, and I know exactly how you feel, we try and stay positive but then that just turns into disapointment month after month.

I can offer my virtual shoulder if you ever want to talk! :hug:
:hug: It'll happen hun :hug:

I'm also 31 and no way do I consider myself to be an older Mum lol
I honestly believe my 30's will be my prime also as GGG said.
hi.. sorry bout bfn... i'm 30 and been trying for 5 mths....

heres hoping for everyone.. :hug:
Don't get downhearted I had 1st baby at 31. I think perfect age!!

Keep trying I know it feels like it is but 6 months really isn't that long.
I am 36 and this is my first so your a spring chicken compared to me and I have had no pregnancy complications due to age
Hi Jule,

I'm almost 30 and pregnant with my first, we were trying for 7 months before BFP so try not to get downhearted :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hiya Jule

I know it's so easy to get your hopes up, but 6 months is nothing really, as hard as it may seem. It took me about 6 months with my 2nd, and I knew I could get pregnant...I just didn't! It was so hard!

Good luck, hope you get your BFP soon!

Thanks everyone for all your support! :hug:

Just feeling a bit sorry for myself I suppose - I am determined not to let it get to me, just relax and do my ovulation tests as normal, and look forward to the next test - although will try not to get my hopes up too much this time :oops:


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