guess what.......


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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tested this morning and wasnt ovulating but did another one just now and im going to ovulate!!!

so shall be knackered come next week :wink: :wink:

i am trying not to get excited but when cheri22 gave me my prediction a few months ago she mentioned she could see the 30th and im guessing thats when il ovulate :shock: she also mentioned sept and if get my BFP this time id be due in sept!! :shock:

anyone else away to ovulate??? could share testing days :hug:
Whoohooo!!!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I'm really excited this month too because Cheri said December for me and also mentioned 18th-21st. If I wait till I'm 1wk late for AF then that'll be the 18th and I'll be due 18th Sept :shock:
Although March sounds more promising - Due to OV 18th/19th March, then would be due in Dec.
skairdykat said:
Whoohooo!!!!!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I'm really excited this month too because Cheri said December for me and also mentioned 18th-21st. If I wait till I'm 1wk late for AF then that'll be the 18th and I'll be due 18th Sept :shock:
Although March sounds more promising - Due to OV 18th/19th March, then would be due in Dec.

eeek :shock:

your like me then - totally hyper this month! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

it'd be good if i got my BFP same time as someone else here or id feel lonely in 1s tri :D

you know what they say - stay positive - well this month i think il take that advice (normally im like :roll: ) .......... :rotfl: :rotfl: but it may work!
Good luck!!!

Get plenty of BD'ing in :D

I'm waiting to ov too, should have been yesterday :(
Bagpuss17 said:
Good luck!!!

Get plenty of BD'ing in :D

I'm waiting to ov too, should have been yesterday :(

aw dont be sad hun, i felt like this two days ago when i posted and im ovulating now so it may just be round the corner for you too! are you using OPK's? :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi :wave:

lillou, I tested yesterday (sat 29th) morning and evening and got +OPK both times which I was really excited about (tested last month and nothing showed up).

Luckily me and DH have been BDing every other day since last tuesday and then Fri eve, sat morn and sat eve!!! Bless him he is shattered, but he's said no to tonight as we have both also been suffereing with colds (obviously he has had man-flu!!).

Good luck to all and lets hope we all get a BFP in the new year!
marge said:
Hi :wave:

lillou, I tested yesterday (sat 29th) morning and evening and got +OPK both times which I was really excited about (tested last month and nothing showed up).

Luckily me and DH have been BDing every other day since last tuesday and then Fri eve, sat morn and sat eve!!! Bless him he is shattered, but he's said no to tonight as we have both also been suffereing with colds (obviously he has had man-flu!!).

Good luck to all and lets hope we all get a BFP in the new year!

oooh im very familiar with man flu at the moment, OH seemed to have that last wk :roll: :lol:

YAY you can join us in the 2WW, maybe we could test the same day? i did make up a list for January testers if you want me to add you to it?

it definately sounds like you BD on all the right days!! Good Luck hun :hug:

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