
Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2010
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The day is here - argh. It's been booked for the last 8 weeks so it's slowly crept up on me. I'm not good with blood at the best of times, 3 times I've had blood taken I've fainted 2 of those times and I already feel shaky, nervous, light headed from not eating but also getting myself worked up. I keep trying to tell myself that if I get it over and done with today then it's sorted, if I wimp out I'll only have to go back again. They are also doing my 28w bloods do should be happy that they doing everything at once.

Hubby has got the day off to come with me lol and I promised him that if I go through with it, we'd go out for lunch afterwards at a new restaurant that opened last weekend. Haha
Good luck. Hope it goes all right and enjoy your lunch! X
Aww hope it goes well for you hun, just keep thinking of that restaurant and all the lovely food in it hehe!! xx
Good Luck, Hope all goes well and you get your lunch. xxx
I had gtt dine at around 26 weeks and god I was hungry after... Went and had mcdonalds after..then regretted it an hour later as I got heartburn lol good luck you will be ok. Enjoy your lunch! Xxx
argh, im dreading it too. mines next thursday...also doing bloods for 28 week although I wil be 29 weeks lol
good luck! x
Good luck and have a great lunch! Just don't think about it too much while you're having the test done!! x
Woohoo I survived! No fainting although got a bit close in the final bloods but that because so hungry. Drinking a can and half of lucozade on an empty stomach was a bit difficult. Time for food yay! :)

Thanks all x
I did find the lucozade the worst part, OMG I hate that stuff! And I had to have all 3 blood tests taken from the same vein as it's all my arms would offer!! Ouch! Results came through quick though, had GTT on a Thursday, saw consultant for growth scan on the Tuesday and the results were already in my hospital notes!!
Yeah I had mine done from same vein - feel like I can't lift my arm lol. Getting my results on Tuesday :)
glad you managed to go without fainting hun lol! Now go enjoy some scrummy fodder :D xx
Glad it all went well! Hope you enjoyed ur lunch!

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