Grunting baby!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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This doesn't happen every night but quite often and it's keeping us awake cos neither of us can sleep through it! Most times we think she may even do this when she is it's just us awake.
She grunts and snorts and squeaks and sort of shouts and at times it sounds like she trying to force either burps or pumps out! Only way to describe it really....
Any of this sound familiar to anyone? Anyone any idea what she is doing? Lol. Cx
Georgia tends to do this in the morning. I figured she was trying to get rid of wind. I actually found it stops if I take her into bed with me -DH has usually gone to work by now.

My lo used to do that when he was little. Not sure what it was, but he had stopped by around 3 months. He would do it after his night feed so it could have been wind.
Emily does this all the time and it is so loud! She does it more in the morning, and often when she is still asleep. Don't know what it is, but believe it is quite common in little ones.
Albert grunts and snorts like a pig after truffles lol. Only when he's asleep or being winded though. We used the bogey sucker yesterday but it made no difference. The thing is if he stops making these noises I fly out of bed in a panic lol
Tyler does a body slam against the cot by raising his legs and crashing them down!!

Harrison grunts when he moves around in his crib!!
YES, Max does this mostly at night, really really loud forceful noises in his throat!! ive been wondering if its normal or not!
Another one here! Ariel spends half his time grunting away!!!!
I have a grunter here as well... though like others have said it only happens in the morning for some strange reason.?
Ours is mostly during the night or very early morning. How bizarre ! Lol x
lol yeah kayla does all that, mainly at night too drives me mad althogh we have accidentally woken her by us goin into hysterical fit of laughing at some of them
We were laughing earlier. You know the comedy noise when someone squeezes a boob? She did that noise! Lol she also did an amazing impression of a balloon going down :) x
oh yeah the balloon is her starting off noise haha she also farts in between squeeks

think we should record them to embarrass them when they grow up lol
My LO does this, but only after her morning feed (5:30 - 6:30 ish). So after that feed we don't even bother trying to put her back in her cot anymore, I just let her sleep on my chest. Naughty I know, but at least that way we can all sleep for another couple of hours!
can i join the grunter club! Flynn makes a sound like a tiny horse neighing- its quite funny! i think its wind and he is trying to fart his way out of his moses basket!
I'm in. Although he's less noisy now he's a bit older. He snores though. When he was younger, he was so noisy at night. Usually more so after a bottle in the middle of the night.x

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