

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2011
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I'm so angry right now!!!!!!! The man my oh does odd jobs for take this piss so much he wanted my oh to take him too Market deeping no problem he goes to pick him up has to take him to Stamford first then deeping!!!!! 3.5 hours later my oh turns up home or this bloke to ring asking him to pick him up again in an hour!!!!! What was the point in frigging going in the first place I ask and to top if off my oh can't say no as I've been signed off work by mw and this is the only income coming in at the mo!!!!!!! I've just torn strips off my oh as he's walked out the door im starving and don't know what to eat my oh is diabetic and hasn't eaten all day and has now got a cob on with me so will prob refuse to eat now grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr stupid shitty men!!!!!!!!!!
oh no hun :( I really feel for you, sounds very annoying and stressful!!!! Sort of know how you feel, my OH's boss is taking the piss at the moment, not paying on time and taking advantage all round really, long hours and very underpaid and unappreciated. But we're in the same situation- his is the only source of income so we haven't got much choice! we have had a few arguments too, that were getting pretty bad. but we talked when everything was a bit calmer the other day, as we both felt we needed to sort it out because the stress wouldn't be good for the baby. im sure we will still get a bit wound up at times though! I hope your whole situation sorts itself out soon :hugs: i really feel for you, I know how stressful it can be x x x

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