Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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:evil: :evil:

F**king doctors!!

as you may know from other posts, i work on the road and cant access my doctors except odd days or weeks when im off work.

I was off work the last 3 weeks and got all my bloods done then so i can get the viital checks done

That done (all 5 vials of it) i'm now 6 hours from home in sunny blackpool...and not returning home for 12 weeks.

I just got a call from the doctors saying can i please come in for another blood test as there was INSUFFICIENT LABELLING ON THE BOTTLES AND FORMS


now what to do :cry:

:evil: :evil: :evil:
can u not ask your dr if you could go into a local hospital where u are and go to the path lab and ask them to take blood and pass results onto your dr?

im sure they can sort it for you, so you wont have to travel home just to give more blood
travelling home is not an option for more reasons than time constraints...

guess i will have to go thru whole ordeal of trying to get someone to see me up here without registering...i predict much frustration ahead :x

thing is i know the nurse labelled it all cos she was saying how fussy the lab was as she was sticking them all on

the receptionist said for all we know the lab could have dropped my blood or lost the labels themselves

my faith in nhs is going from bad to worse
yeah i agree i have no faith what so ever in the nhs after my experience of giving birth and the after care i got.

they did soooo many things wrong to me inlcuding filling out my pnd questionaire by herself and not actually asking me the questions so they didnt pick up my pnd until i moved area :shock:

you shouldnt have to reg where you are to get some bloods done, should just be able to walk into nearest hospital and go by your nhs number

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