Grrrr re scan!

Tina & Gabs

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2006
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I have just contacted the hospital to see if they have received my information to book me in for a scan and they haven't :evil: I feel really annoyed; I went to the doctors 4 weeks ago and thought they would just send the letter straight off.

I have contacted the doctors surgery and they are going to chase it up for me.

I know I have 3 weeks until I am 12 weeks but these scan dates get booked up!
Hope they sort it out.

Sorry for the moan :hug:
Hi Tina

That is exactly the same experience I had.
My patience ran out and I ended up contacting the hospital and although they had my details, nothing had been booked in!
I was lucky as I ended up speaking to a really nice woman there who went through it all with me on the phone and booked me in over the phone (confirmation letter to follow in the post)

Fingers crossed that you hear something very very soon xxx :hug: :hug:
happened to me with James too. Think I was nearly 14 or 15 weeks before i got my first scan.

Its so frustrating isnt it cos its like the first milestone. Big hugs :hug:
Thanks everyone :hug:

I called the midwife today and it turns out the Dr did send the form off but it only had my name and address on, so it was sent back :wall:
The midwife has it now and has filled the rest in with me over the phone and she is sending straight to the scan department; so hopefully I will get my date soon :D

Thanks for all your messages :hug:

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