

Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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H has now decided every single night for the past 4 weeks to wake up every single hour from 8 pm until 7am! It's really really winding me up now and I am exhausted!

She doesn't want feeding until 5am! So it's not hunger. I've heard about the "4 month sleep regression". I thought it could be that, but seriously this seems abit extreme!! She's gone from practically sleeping through to now this :(

How the hell am I meant to go back to work with this sleeping pattern :(

People have offered to take her for a few hours so I can rest but for some reason she will NOT stop crying if anybody else other than me and OH pick her up! She's 4 months old!!! Why would she act like this already! She's always been socialised from day 1!!!

Sorry ladies, just needed to moan!

Awww that can't be fun at all :(

Speaking from personal experience the sleep regression can be that bad yes, we had the same problem, every hour for no apparent reason.

I think I also read somewhere that it's at 4 months babies realise that mummy isn't around when you leave, which would explain her crying with others. Again we've had this problem with Chloe.

How about someone coming to your and looking after her while you nap on the sofa? That way she knows you're aorund and you can get some sleep in peace.
Charlie was like this but hed wake every hour from about 9/10pm til about 4/5 am. Could it be her teeth? What does she do when she wakes? X
What does she do when she wakes? Does she actually wake up or stir?

Will done this from 4 months and at his worst it was every hour but he would just stir, I'd rub his back and he'd drift straight back off again.

He is sleeping thru again now but occasionally stirs so I pop his dummy in and he nods back off xx
Thanks DB - it's nice to know I am not alone!

Kirsty - I can't reply to your text!!! God damn signal!! But the answer is yeah, it starts at 1.30pm. Will pick you up at about 12:45 if that's ok?

Pos - She actually wakes, cries, I console her and put her back down. It's 50/50 whether she goes back down with no fuss or not. Sometimes she stirs for her dummy.

Right now she is on my lap sat in the living room because she decided that she has had an hour and a half sleep and screamed the place down! I can't no matter what get her back down!!

This is hard bloody work!!

Oh hunny you poor thing :( no suggestions or advice just a big big hug! Xxxxxx
It is hard and it feels like it goes on forever and never ends but it does end eventually, i know thats not much help. Have you tried not picking her up and seeing if you can resettle her whilst shes still down? I only say this cause if i pick charlie up and try and cuddke him he wakes up properly and wants to play, even if i try and cuddle him (but you know he doesnt like cuddles anyway) ... yeah 12.45s fine :)

Have you tried water/juice? Sometimes charlie wakes in the night and will not have milk but will have water, just like i can wake up and need a drink...i dunno what else to suggest as I was like a headless chicken running round stressing out whenC woke up every hour, it is draining :hug:
No wonder you are feeling exhausted... Really hope it doesn't go on too much longer for you. Big hugs. Xx
Phew!! She's finally asleep!! She's been asleep for 45 minutes so far. Put money she will start stirring in a few minutes!

I might try that actually with the juice of water, I think ill try warm water tonight.

I don't usually cuddle her back to sleep, I kind of just stroke her. Unless she is hysterical that is. Then I'll cuddle her.

Oh balls, she's now awake again! Going to kill OH!!! He just woke her! X
Omg, I'd draw blood from him! X

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Let him have her all night if he has woken her!!

Bless ya, must be so draining! x
We are exactly the same hun!! I think it is teeth as some nights he is fine but others it is like every hour fron 2 onwards (sometimes more) We try and settle him in the cot as we find putting him down wakes him up again!! Im hoping that it stops soon, im like a zombie!!
Ah Stanley was exactly the same...I was at my wits end :( his was mainly to do with his teeth though :( poor thing :( xx
Id have thrown him out the window! Haha, hope shhe finally tired herself out for you x
Aww hun- no advice, but big hugs.

Austin has started waking in the night again, only once, but I know how frustrating it is trying to get a baby back down to sleep that has other ideas.

When he has only napped hlf an hour n I know he needs longer, I have t persist until finally he goes xxx
When you put her back down have you tried white noise. It helps so much with Macy.
When you put her back down have you tried white noise. It helps so much with Macy.

Yeah :( I think she's gotten to used to it now as it used to work all the time and now she doesn't pay any interest in it. Xxx
I've never experienced any of the sleep regression things with my 2. But there has been the odd week or so where they've been up thro night.

I think that and the crying when left are 2 seperate things, my LO's have both done that around 4 months, as someone else said thats when they start to realise that you can leave them & they dont like it. Most babies do this it doesn't really have anything to do with how social they've been b4. But dont worry as long as you keep on letting her socialise it wont keep happening, for example if you stop letting her go to ppl bcoz she is crying then it only makes matters worse for the future.

When do you go back to work? Id accept the offers of help while you still can and use it to be yourself & think about yourself, I think everyone needs that.

Hope things improve


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