Grrrrrr rant


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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I HATE BUSES! Grrrrrr x DD had a dentist appt today at 4.30 and I arranged to meet OH in town at 4 to walk up to dentist for his appt at 4.15 and DD's at 4.30. I checked out the bus timetable and there was a bus scheduled at 3.32 so we rushed home from school (as well as you can with a 6 year old, a bump and a very painful back), DD got changed and we got to bud stop at 3.20. Saw the bus go up. Waited and waited and waited until 3.42 when I gave in and phoned a taxi (which I couldn't really afford but couldn't afford to lose dentist appt either). Got into town dot on 4 and OH is nowhere to be found! I am severly pissed off already and him not being there pissed me off sooooo much! I kept telling him his phone is 10 mins fast as he set it by the kitchen clock which is also 10 mins fast but he KNOWS it's fast. So I stand in town like a knob for 8 minutes when I get a call from OH saying he waited until 4.10! I pointed out none too politely it wasn't even 4.10 right that minute! Anyway long story short we got to the dentist with me in a pissy mood. Then on the way back to town from dentist and DD is jumping about, pulling on my arm and consequently my back. I asked her 3 times to stop then lost it when she tripped over her own foot cos she was jumping about and really jolted my back and, I'm embarrassed to admit, I proper shouted at her in the middle of the street. I have NEVER done this before and feel shit now but I'm proper worn out and stressed to the max! Grrrrrrr!
I think we can all snap and then cringe later *hugs* x

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