Grrrrrr Council!!!

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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As some of you may already know, I live in Liverpool with my hubby and little boy but I have a house in Wilmslow which I have been trying to sell for ages which is from when I was a single gal.

Because the house has been empty I qualified for council tax exemption for the first 6 months then it should be 50% from then. Well I just got a letter saying I would only get a 25% discount even though the house is empty and unfurnished! :shock: :shock:

So even though Im paying 100% council tax for my house, and receiving none of the services for the house in Wilmslow as I dont live there..Im still expected to pay the same rate as if I were a single person living there and using the waste services doesnt seem right to me. :shakehead:

I called them up and asked them to justify the increase and the person I spoke to basically said that its nothing to do with him and he thinks its unfair its just a directive thats come from "above". When I asked what would happen if I couldnt afford to pay it he said that I would get taken to court! I asked what I can do and he said that all I can do is write in but he isnt sure what good it would do.

It just seems so unfair that someone can make these decisions that affect our finances and we cant do anything about it. :( So much for the government helping us during these difficult times...they just went and made things a darn sight harder for us! :( :(
is it because the house is still habitable?
when my dad died we had his house and we had exemption for the first 6 months but my brother was told that after that we would have to pay 75% because even though the house was empty it was still habitable because there was mains gas,water and electric into the house.
in the end we rented it out to a friend until we sold it.its still wrong though hun and you have my sympathys :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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