grrrr....something else a matter now!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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my knee when i bend down has been hurting for a few weeks, like a very sharp pain and sometimes i cant bend it hurt that much, anyway left it but last night realised i had a lump on my knee which when i felt it felt like it had water or something in it!! :(
ouchy!! :hug: with all our muscles n ligaments relaxing it can sometimes make other bits of us hurt n all hun.. sounds like you might ave pulled a ligament a bit if its swollen up a bit.. i know a bit bout sore knee's mine are both crap lol Try n rest it up today but not so ya knee is locked back - cushion under ya knee should help it not lock out.. maybe get a cool flannel on there to try n help bring the swelling down n if it persists get down the doctors xxx hope ya feel better soon lovely xxxx
Could be cartlidge or ligament trouble. I've always had problems with my knees and I had a similar lump in my knee when I was younger.

My mum took me to A&E and they scanned it and said it as something wrong with my liagments (I can't remember what exactly because I was only 11 at the time) and they told me to rest it and gave me some of that elastic support stocking stuff.

I'm not sure if it's exactly the same thing though because it was so painful for me that I couldn't even walk on that leg.

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