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Grrrr so fed up


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Oh god i am so fed up, am going outta my tree wi boredom ( could do some house work i suppose :? )
My OH has just started footie traing again and i am always lost on sundays!!! Jack in bed, Emily watching telly and i am just generally feeling p****d off, tho that could have summat to do wi getting up at 5.45am grrrr.
Soz for moaning ladies but don't you ever have 1 of them days you just wanna go back to bed and not get up again for ages ( til kids are 18!!!!!!)

Oh yeah and why does Oh always get dead lazy when footie starts again??? How hard is it to make the bed and pull the blind up????
When exactley did i turn in to HIS mum?

:wall: :wall: :wall:
I'm fed up too. Have a real stinker of a cold coming on (the same one OH had last weekend that saw him take to his bed), and I have all the washing to do change the beds etc whilst he finds and closes all the Oblivion gates (fing Xbox). I had a lie in this morning as Seren was up all night, she had a blocked nose. He hadn't given her breakfast, hadn't fed any animals etc. And he is now wondering what is wrong with me.
I swear to god they live in a completely parellel (sp?) universe to ours, My Oh had a bad cold a few weeks ago, i had a bath run 4 when he got in from work and sent him to bed early and all that, made sure he didn't get up wi Jack and stuff.
YET when i had a worse one when i felt my head would explode what did i get? 1 sleep in and still all chores to do!!!!!
It is just like they don't see washing and ironing piling up or crumbs on rug ( i vac mine about 6 times aday 'cos it's dark and everything shows up!!!)
I tell you what if Jack was older i would go on strike :twisted:
Hee hee i have done that before but now i have a baby depending on me it's not possible really is it????

Update: he is nodding on couch whilst i am writing this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mine has taken Seren out for a while so I have just scoffed a chocolate ice cream. I think he has picked up on the fact I think he is an arse and is staying out my way :twisted:
Hee hee good for you Beanie, don't you think though that sometimes we have to be really arsey with them for them to think that something might be up??

:rotfl: Oh dear this started as a fed up post and is turning into a bitching session about OH's :rotfl:
Completely agree, it took a few hours of sulking and slamming things on sides before he asked "have I done something".

I'm just feeling very sorry for myself as my nose is running. I hate being ill :(
Awww ((((((BIG HUGS)))))) it's horrid isn't it especially when you cannot just veg out all day :(

I have just had a "can't anyone in this house do anything without me!!!" moment :roll:

Now i got a bloody headache coming 'cos i am sooo tired

I hear the take away menu calling
Treat yourself, you so deserve it xxx
yeah think will make him pay :lol:

I think you should treat yourself to a big bubble bath and an early night
do ya know i have just taken some towels upto bathroom and insted of putting them in their drawers i have left them on the side, am just gonna see how long they stay there :twisted:
God i am in one today aren't i?
jo said:
Oh god i am so fed up, am going outta my tree wi boredom ( could do some house work i suppose :? )
My OH has just started footie traing again and i am always lost on sundays!!! Jack in bed, Emily watching telly and i am just generally feeling p****d off, tho that could have summat to do wi getting up at 5.45am grrrr.
Soz for moaning ladies but don't you ever have 1 of them days you just wanna go back to bed and not get up again for ages ( til kids are 18!!!!!!)

Oh yeah and why does Oh always get dead lazy when footie starts again??? How hard is it to make the bed and pull the blind up????
When exactley did i turn in to HIS mum?

:wall: :wall: :wall:

Sooooooooooooo glad its not just me that irritates.
My DH can't seem to put the blind up or make the bed, or do any chores but he CAN manage to turn the t.v on & watch footie all day long & he CAN open the fridge door & find the beer but fails to notice the fridge needs a clean. :evil:
aww god i hate my oh at the moment the worst thing is when he stuffs the bin to the brim overflowing never does he bother to emty it, i feel like screaming sometimes hes so annoying, and he moans like a baby if hes ill he should try carying a baby in his penis for nine months grrrr :x

:lol: this topic is making me laugh, my OH is exactly the same. Saying that though once I've had a go at him for not helping he's straight to the sink to do the washing up bless him!!

I suppose men are all the same, as long as they're all good daddies thats the main thing!
My OH was such an ass last week, he is starting a new job tomorrow, but he was so stressed all week we ended up having a massive humdinger of a row in B&Q, I go home ad couldnt even bear to be in same house as him....cried so much I was nearly sick.

He was horrified he had upset me so much (I did over react-hormones etc) and so he too me out shopping yeserday and bought me a beautiful Breil watch as a birthday present :cheer:
I had a massive emotional outburst at him last week!
How I am the only one who notices the mess in the house, and how he does a "big daddy" when the dog has an accident.... just covers it up with paper, and leaves it! GRrrrrr....

And how i get to spend days cooking and the washing up just doesn't get done!! Hmmmmmm.....

Its my bday tomorrow, and he's been out and got me a new wedding band and engagement ring cos the fact that the one that he'd got me was white gold and the white bit has rubbed off and the jewellers want £50 a ring to re-colour them! He's just given me my new rings, and they're gorgeous....

And he's picked up on the cleaning up, although we did have my best mate Allison round yesterday with her partners 2 kids, their 15 month old, and her 5 year old nephew for a sleepover, and one of them had an accident with ribena on the dining room chair, and OH said that he'd cleaned it up.... i asked if he'd put 1001 on it and he looked at me blankly!!!! :wall:


(Oh and with the new football season dawning and him being Blackburn's biggest fan, i will also be losing him at weekends!!! And the worst thing is they leave 3 hours before kick off, so i really do lose him for the whole day!!!) :?


p.s - can't believe a world cup final is going to penalties!!!
:dance: Woohoo the towels have moved!!!!
The rest of the house is till like Steptoes yard but what the hell, one small step lol!!!
How evil am i? i am sitting here looking about seeing what else i can "plant" :twisted:

God am making him sound awful aren't i?
I will give him his due though i couldn't be arsed doing washing up last night, so he did it before he went to work.

Just like to say a big thank you to the fairies that make Emily's packed lunch everynight!!!

Oh no sorry thats meeeee, My children would starve if i ever went anywhere

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