grrrr *rant*


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2005
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Am oh so annoyed, so please excuse my rant!!
(DH is still at work so can't even rant to him!!)

Just rang MBNA for the 4th time since we moved into our house(!)
As i've still not had a statement from them... I rang them the day that we moved in and gave them my new address and the girl i spoke to confirmed that she'd changed the address on both accounts.... I also cleared £1500 off of both accounts!

Then when i was on holiday in June i get a call asking for a payment as it was overdue, so i made a payment for £400 on my lfc card acct (i'd cleared my other one) and asked the guy what address they had on the system, ranted cos i'd told them my new one yet they didn't have it, and gave him my new one... and he apologised, said that he'd changed it, and that he would get the £25 late payment fee credited back.....

Then i've rang them today (there was another call to them in there somewhere, but can't remember when!!) Got a snotty girl who was so unwilling to help it was unbelievable... she changed the address on my lfc account and asked me if i needed to change it on my other account, and i said no believing that i didn't, and she just let that be the end of the call.

So i rang back and enquired about my other account (the non lfc one) and the guy said that the address on that was also my old address, which made me fume cos that snotty bird didn't tell me! Also that the only notes on there from the 27th March (the day we moved into the house) was that i made a balance enquiry. And that on that basis they won't try and trace the call. I'd have to write in!!!

Soooooooooooooooo angry!!!!

*rant over*

p.s don't even get me started on the Abbey!!!!

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