Grrrr @ midwife


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2008
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My team leader midwife person has finally called me back to say they have no record of me asking for a homebirth, thats ok as nothing much has to happen till 36 weeks.
So i said to her will i see anyone at my anomoly scan and she says yeah the Sonography :wall: .

I ask will i see a midwife, no comes reply,
Ive not seen anyone since my booking in appointment says me,

You should have seen one at 16 weeks, and you must have forgot to make the appointment, all my fault apparently :talkhand:

Yeah cos id really forget to get my baby checked out and get to hear heartbeat.

So i now dont see a midwife again till 23 weeks.

You would think someone would realise that ive not been to any check ups and give me a call.
Grrr what a pain in the backside hun!! Sorry your not having such a good time with MW!!! :hug:
How annoying, I can see how it would be easily done our midwifes will say we should see you again at such and such weeks next make an appointment on your way out, I have had one midwife forget to say this but have a booklet with a chart saying when I should have appointments so I just book them based on what it says, but midwife should definately have told you it was down to you to book appointments and when to book them for! I wouldn't be happy waiting til 23 weeks to see midwife next I would make an appointment for as soon as possible and then go again at 23 weeks! :hug: :hug:
Tell me about it, when i went for my appointment but didnt stay for whatever reason i asked if the midwife could ring me to make another appointment when i could see her without having to wait 40 mins and still have 2 people in front of me that hadnt yet been seen.
This was over a week ago and still nothing, i have my 20 week scan booked at the hospital but other than that have no idea when i will see anyone.
I got a really handy leaflet at my booking in appointment which tells me exactly what i should be booking and when. Without it id be lost! Times have changed im afraid to say.. you need to take control of your own medical needs these days as docs just dont have the capacity to do it for you. Ive learnt that from not even getting results in the past!

Thats NHS cut backs for you!

Claire x
Ive got my anomoly scan on MOnday and then we are on holiday the following week so it will really need to wait till 23 weeks unfortunatley.
Oh thats is poo! Sorry your mw is rubbish!
My mw makes my next appointments before I leave and writes them on my notes!
Bloody nightmare hun :shakehead: hope you get sommat sorted out with a lovely midwife when you get back from holidays :pray: xxx
I had a nightmare getting my early checks in with the MW and I'm now 26 weeks and I've only seen her 3 times in total and two of them are since my 20 weeks scan!!! They are pants.

I now ask her to make my next appointment while I'm in with her so that I know it's done

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