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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Sorry really need to let off some steam :x
Right my OH is really p*ssing me off today, he can't be bothered to get off his lazy arse to do anything, all he does most days is get up with the children first thing and i get up half hour later(and he says i lay in bed all day and i don't)
I ask him to do things during the day for me and its always 'in a minute', but he never does it, so i end up doing things that i really should not be doing now im PG. He just don't seem to understand that there are things iu should not be doing now. He is a lazy ass hole, i do everything in the house and with the children to try and keep everyone happy while he either sits on his arse and watches telly all day, or is laying on the sofa asleep!!! Grrr hes mad me so angry!!!
Also at 4 o clock today i said im going to go and lay down for an hour because i was so tired, and he started get all humpy so i did'nt bother, and he started saying im tired too (WTF hes been sitting on hes ass all day!!)
Since losing his job a month ago (thats why i was stopping TTC, because of no money, but it happend and i really want this baby and would never consider a termination) all his done is moan and become even more lazier than before.
Also i have been asking him since january to get the rest of the wallpaper of the walls and he has'nt (i would do it but im too short) I have to do everything, i redecorated the bathroom, kitchen and the kids bedroom all by myself with no help from 'Mr i do everything'.
I know men can be a bit lazy at times but his worse that lazy his like a corpse!!!
Sorry to go on, but is anyone elses OH as lazy as this? And also always say 'in a minute' and it never gets done?
Do you think im just being all hormonal/over reacting? the list does go on but don't want to bore you anymore.
thanks for listening i feel a little calmer now.
Sounds like a normal typical man :roll:

Your not overreacting, I do think your hormones are proberly not helping, but he should be getting of his lazy arse and helping out.

You are making a baby, cleaning, cooking and looking after the children, the least he could do is let you have a nap, id have a right go!!

To be fair my partner works full time but i also get very annoyed! I work full time now too and on top of that do all the cleaning/cooking/ironing etc. Now i say to him "i have just spent all of my free time tidying can u please pick up after yourself" nothing major just to take his glass back in the kitchen as hes going in there anyway. Ok he says, which translates as he leaves it on the floor even tho hes going into the kitchen comes back takes off his socks and jeans and dumps em on the floor. I run around tidying up after him some nights till 8/9pm after making his dinner washing up picking up his mess. He wakes up in the morning and shouts at me WHY HAVENT YOU WASHED MY BOXERS/TROUSERS/SOCKS to which i reply i have but i was far too tired last night to put them away after ironing. So he sees what he wants and pulls it out the middle of the pile leaving the whole pile scattered across the room. I am trying to clear out the back room as there is alot of junk in it and it will eventually b a nursery. Anyway i say please can you pick this box up and move it downstairs. Ok IN A MINUTE (famous last words) so i wait and wait and in the end do it by myyself which resulted in an accident a few weeks ago when i was carrying the hoover downstairs, so i get my mum to help now. I know hes tired but so am i!!!! The list goes on. So no your not alone.
aw I'm sorry your OH is being such a lazy idiot :x

to be honest reading that I don't think your being hormonal or over reacting at all. he really should get off his arse and do something. maybe you should talk to your OH about it / guilt trip him somehow by saying no sex unless he starts doing things :twisted:

I am really lazy at home and sound very much like your OH :oops:
aww hun rant away, let off that steam, if he is not working then in my opinon he should be helping you out or out looking for a job to support you and the kids. men ay :roll:
thanks girls,

emx279 said:
aww hun rant away, let off that steam, if he is not working then in my opinon he should be helping you out or out looking for a job to support you and the kids. men ay :roll:

as i said on MSN hun, he is looking for another job but not hard enough. i think he thinks i should go to work, look after the kids, clean, do DIY and wait on him hand and foot. I know men can be really lazy but surely not as bad as him
my o/h is the same hun although to be fair he is working now which he wasnt on last pregnancy i have to ask him like 10 times every time i want him to do something and then he says im nagging :wall: :wall: :wall:
at the moment we are having a daily battle over the cats litter tray :evil: i am refusing to empty it due to the risks and its too heavy anyway and he doesnt see why he should empty it as he doesnt like the cats anyway :x he drives me mad and when he does do anything he moans like hell while he is doing it also my grass not been cut for weeks and weeks now we are going to have to borrow a bloody petrol strimmer as nothing else will touch it its so long grrrr i bloody hate men :talkhand:
rant on hun il rant with you :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxx
I guess Im lucky as we are currrently living in France and our current job is renovating our property over here..........its needs a lot of work, and is a huge project!! We are hoping to start a new business venture later in the year, but the house has to be renovated first, as part of the house will become the business.

My husband works on the house and grounds 24/7, gets up early and doesnt stop until its dark, quite often he will go back to it after dinner!

I certainly cant nag at him for being lazy...... :D

Its hard for me now as I have to be more careful, the house is so old there is a lot of lead paint etc around, so my DIY chores have become more limited!
Not all men are like that. Im certainly not. And to be honest I dont understand the attitude of the men that ARE like that. My OH is pregnant with my child and that makes me very proud. I want to do everything I can to keep her and the child safe. If anything I go a bit too far to be honest. Getting that balance is not easy but I'd far go too far than not far enough.

Best way to get a man to do anything is to embarrass/shame him into doing it. Drop a few choice words to his parents, or comment on how lazy he is in front of one of his friends. Even better pretend to kick him out.

Oh and be cold and emotionless about it. He expects you to be emotional at the minute so anything you do and say will just be the 'hormones' so he'll ignore it unless you are TOTALLY in control and expressionless.

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