

Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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I went to the hospital last week and as my bp had gone up a little they asked me to get it checked every week. I went to get it checked with my GP this morning and it's gone up again! It's now 144/80 - last week it was 135/92 and two weeks ago it was 131/75 :mad:

I had to give him a urine sample but went to the loo just before I went thinking it would just be a quick bp check and out again so could only manage a little trickle, most of which ended up in the loo anyway, although doc said it was enough. That's now showing protein and white cells but he thinks it might just be because it was a concentrated sample as I could only manage a little bit.

I'm not showing any signs of swelling, and don't have any headache / vision problems or anything but now I've got to go to hospital this afternoon to give another sample, get my bp checked again, and if they don't keep me in today then I've got to go back tomorrow to the GP and then again on Friday :wall2:

Please send some healthy wee and bp vibes my way!!! Anyone had any problems with 'concentrated wee' before?!
I had some protein due to thrush

sucked - hope it gets sorted honey - as for BP, i think its pretty changable really, try and make sure you get to the surgery 10mins before appointment and calm yourself down a bit before going in, maybe your rushing from the car and thats bumping you up? along with being a bit stressed about it going up xx
Oh no Inky! I hope it goes down - if all the symptoms point to pre-eclampsia then at least they are on top of it all. Massive good luck that all is ok xxx :hug: xxx
Hope everything goes well this afternoon!! Healthy wee and BP vibes on their way ;) Xx
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:hug: hope it goes down soon. Try not to rush around too much before the appointment. Walk in there really slowly too lol. Think relaxing thoughts as you sit in the chair, I dont think theres much else you can do.

I have been thinking, when my BP was too low everyone kept going on at me about hydration, even though I make sure i drink enough water anyway, aparently dehydration can cause low blood pressure. Now my BP is rising, and I wondered if it worked the other way?! Not that IM suggesting deliberately dehydrating yourself of course! lol
Healthy vibes coming your way inky. I agree with the others that de stressing yourself before you arrive would be good, try doing some yoga breathing or something before you go in to docs and while you are waiting.
I do try and stay calm before going in, although I had a horrible day yesterday so might have still been a little stressy about that I guess.

Just got back from hospital and they sent me home thank god! They will run tests on yet another urine sample which I should get results for on Friday, apparently they found white cells so now they're thinking I might have a UTI. Ho hum. Got to go to docs tomorrow and Friday so will just have to see how I get on I suppose!

Thanks for the good vibes!!
Hope things go well tomorrow be thinking of you xx
Hope things go well tomorrow be thinking of you xx

Thanks hon, don't have to go until 10:30 but I'm hoping there won't be any problems. I don't think they will do anything until tomorrow when the last lot of wee is tested at the hospital's hoping eh!

Got my first antenatal class this afternoon too though I really can't be bothered to spend 2 hours in a hot room, my OH can't make it either so I'm going to be a right billy no mates haha!!
well, as of this morning all is well :) Minor blip the doc said, I just took that and ran hehe! Have got mw app on Tuesday so will see how it is then I guess! Thanks for the good vibes, they clearly worked :)

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