Grrrr bloody doctors...


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2010
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Hey all.

I went for my scan and consultant appointment on Tuesday and they werent happy with my blood sugar levels so they wanted me to start on another kind of insulin aswell as the one i am already on, So..... They gave me a pink sheet to be taken to my GP to tell them about a change in my medication and to obviously get a prescription for this other insulin that i need. Well my sister handed this in for me first thing wednesday morning as i could not make it and they said by very lastest it would be friday by the time it was ready. (not to mention i should of started it straight away) So anyway this morning when i went to my GP's for my midwife appointment i asked at recpetion for my prescription to which i was told that it wasnt ready but it had been recorded on the computer that i needed it. I explained that i was meant to have it a couple of days ago so she tried to sort it out for me and told me to call back at 3pm this afternoon, My OH starts work at 2 so there was no way of me getting back over and i wasnt chancing getting the bus with the snow we have had. Anyway.... My mam and dad said that they would collect it so my mam rang and asked if it was ready to be picked up and the receptionist on the phone wouldnt tell my mam due to patient confidentiallity, which yes i understand there point but my mam always rings for me and goes to collect it if i cant make it and it has never been a problem. So i rang he doctors myself just to be told that it wasnt ready and to ring back at 4pm so yeh again i rang back at 4 to be told it still wasnt ready and that they didnt know when it would be ready... Yeah i know very helpful ... GRRRRRR.. So she told me to ring back at 5.15pm as the doctors would be finished by then and they would have a look and see if it had been done last minute and yep i was told it was ready to pick up, So i asked them to leave it at the chemist for me which is just next door and is never a problem for them to do so, But i was told no i would have to ring the chemist myself and get them to pick it up!!!!! Hellooooooo its only just next door, Infact its the same bloody building...

So i rang my mam so peed off and stressed that she rang the chemist and explained everything to them and they said yeah thats not a problem we will get the prescription ready and they also said because i had waited so long for it and been messed around by the doctors they would send it out for me in a taxi sometime tonight lol.... Now you cant fault that for service can you lol... Oh and my phone just rang again... It was the chemist saying my meds will be at my door in the next hour.

If only my doctors were as helpful as the chemist ey?? Sorry for the moan but was so peed off with them... Pleased its sorted now tho :)
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The chemists are usually very very helpful! Can't believe your doctors though! Really takes the piss!
The chemists are usually very very helpful! Can't believe your doctors though! Really takes the piss!

Thanks for the reply hun.

Yeah thats defo true, I couldnt fault the chemist and like they said it was here via taxi within the hour lol xx

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