Grrr How Annoying!


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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I have a main emergency electric switch in the cupboard outside my front door & the cupboard is usually locked but we've lost the key so its been unlocked for a while.

Someone keeps switching the electric off from there :x initially i thought it was kids as it was the summer holidays and id had a lie in so wasnt exactly sure what time it had been done. My OH has just woken me up to tell me the elec had been switched off again, I remember waking up in the night to a loud noise (switch flicking) and then a scuffling sound, I lay listening and there was no more so didnt bother to wake OH as I thought it must have been one of my cats & went back to sleep.

It must have been around 4-5am as I didn't get to sleep until around 3am but it was still dark (not sure what time it come light). My neighbour is a bit strange so we think it could possibly be him, he's a bus driver so gets up for work early etc.... either that or its someone who just wants to piss us off!

I just wish i'd got up to see what it was, then we would know if it was him or someone else :wall: im kicking myself & annoyed at whoever it is who keeps doing it!

Grrrrr :x :x :x
OMG how rude!! Is it one of those triangular key thingys you need to lock it? I can't imagine why anybody would do something like that! It must be a neighbor, cause I can't imagine somebody random noticing the door unlocked at that time of the morning..and twice aswell!
Yeah its one of the triangular ones. I know how rude!! Its either him or someone who just wants to p*ss us off! Tell u what god help them if my OH catches them, my freezer was on the way to being defrosted last time :x
there are some sad ppl out there :x

does anybody share your cupboard? if not why not get a padlock and one of those thingies that hold the padlock on (havnt the foggiest what they are called)
happy_chick said:
Yeah its one of the triangular ones. I know how rude!! Its either him or someone who just wants to p*ss us off! Tell u what god help them if my OH catches them, my freezer was on the way to being defrosted last time :x

ohhhhh, actually i think you can buy the triangle keys from wilkos :)
ooo can ya, off to wilkos I go then!
Just wish i'd got up to have a look now, then I would have caught the bugger red handed!!

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