Grrr Hormones!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
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just need a rant really, not expecting anyone to comment!!

Hormones deffo seem to be kicking in big style, every little sad thing on tv is making me well up then yesterday, my OH mentioned that his works christmas party was on the 2nd December and that he needed a new outfit, so i was like "Oooh can i get one" (i was almost certain he had said partners can come and his boss was looking forward to meeting me) he was like "its just for employees, no ones other halves can go!!" which upset me as i was 99% sure he said i could go so then stupid thoughts were swimming round my head, the "what if hes got someone else" blah blah blah!!! Then half hour later, he mentioned that him and the factory lads were gonna do a pub crawl the week before christmas and said "you cant very well come because your pregnant and cant drink anyway!" cheers love thats so nice, not only am i having your child, feeling like crap and gonna go through all that pain i now have to have no social life for the next 7 and a half month because "i'm pregnant!!!!" grrrr!! its probably just me being all hormonal ffs!!!

Rant over (unless he comes home from work and upsets me some more!!!!)
Men are just so insensitive to everything aren't they?! My oh expects me to still do everything thing around the house cos I'm not working, nothing asked if I'm feeling ok. Or any sympathy that I am so ill, he just expects everything to be normal still!! Xx
yeah my OH is the same, i cant stand cooking lately just because the smell makes me gag but i'm expected to have his tea ready for when he gets in, sometimes i wont bother and then he does it himself lol!! He never asks me how i am either! Like last night, he was quite thoughtful at first came in from work with 4 cans of lager for him and a can of pop for me, but then later on he went round to the shop for more beer and went for a chinese and when he came back said "here i got this for you" a chuffing bottle of VK :eh: i was like "Jamie, i cant drink that i am preggo remember" seriously sometimes i could slap him!!!! x
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oh bless, so in sensitive, hell get used to it i hope and i know wat you mean one nminute im cryin ther next im laughing its weird x
deffo insensitive!! he was a lot worse than this when i was pregnant with my DD lol!! I know what you mean though hun, half hour ago we were laughing at something our DD said earlier this aft and now i just wanna cry for some silly reason :/ such a rollercoaster!! xx
Awww hon, big :hugs: . Men can be so insensitive sometimes. I could be here all day wingeing about my oh, he just seems to have no concept of what i'm going through. He's taking it all very seriously but is clueless to what i'm feeling. Vent any time you need to chick xxx
thanks hun, i think i was just feeling a little sorry for my self what with feeling sick for the past 3 weeks and not been able to do much etc, but your right, they dont understand what we are going through, oooh if only they could do this for us hehe!! Now that would be fun xx

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