gRRR- Having a whinge...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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My skin is really doing my head in today i cant win! If i itch it it makes it sore and bobbly, if i don't it makes me moody been having to shower/bath twice a day for a bit of relief.

And the only thig which gets rid of it completly is a topical steroid cream which I cant use because of the baby. And to top it off i stopped and thought what if baby Hay has it too? Would it be my fault??? :?

Rule 1 never mess with a pregnant woman who has flared up ecema!!!

On the same note has anyone else noticed an ailment that has gotten worse during preggytime?

Thanks for letting me vent hopefully i can get on with my day and be grateful for the good in life...
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Must be horribly frustrating for you hun. My cousin had terrible eczema when she was growing up, and her mum used to swear by filling a sock/foot of a pair of tights with porridge oats and leaving it so soak in her bathwater. Just an idea for you - make sure it's not a holey sock or you'll end up with a lumpy bath :lol:

C xxx
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
just sending hugs- i know the very last few weeks are tiring, hard and frustrating!
And i dont have eczema so i dont know how you feel- can you use some aqueus cream with no steroids?

your so nearly there hun- baby Hayden will be here soon and you will have your body back!!

:hug: :hug: xxx
Thanks girlies...

Claire- that made me laugh i wonder what it would feel like to sit in a bath of porridge :think: that might quite fun lol!

fran - Thanks hon, yeah i use all the creams under the sun, i normall deal with it quite well but when its sore and itchy its just irritating cause it feels like nothing relieves it...

Also it musdt feel weird using Hayden for someone else, when I hear tyou talk about your little one I always think, yeah cool name that ;) Tehe!!
Lol i'm used to it now with Sarah113 having a Hayden too...
it was a bit weird at first! hope you feel better soon!!!
try that porridge thing- anythings worth a go eh! xx
I've found a cure for the itching!!! Seriously, it works!! My daily routine (for the past week or so) has been;

1) Have a bath in the morning and use an exfoliating glove and have a good old scrub...

2) While I'm still wet (not dried off completely), use a moisturiser - it helps lock in the moisture...

3) Once I'm all dry a few hours later I put cold yoghurt (yep, the yoghurt that you eat!!) on my arms and legs to relieve the itching. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and wipe off with a baby wipe...

4) Put another lot of moisturiser on!

It really has helped with the itching. Oh and keeping your arms bare is really good to let the skin breathe. :hug: xx
Steelgoddess said:
Claire- that made me laugh i wonder what it would feel like to sit in a bath of porridge :think: that might quite fun lol!

LOL I can imagine it's not very pleasant :lol:

It reminds me of a horrible joke my dad told me...

What do you call a leper in a bath?

PORRIDGE! Ewwwwwww :rotfl:

C xxx
dannii87 said:
I've found a cure for the itching!!! Seriously, it works!! My daily routine (for the past week or so) has been;

1) Have a bath in the morning and use an exfoliating glove and have a good old scrub...

2) While I'm still wet (not dried off completely), use a moisturiser - it helps lock in the moisture...

3) Once I'm all dry a few hours later I put cold yoghurt (yep, the yoghurt that you eat!!) on my arms and legs to relieve the itching. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and wipe off with a baby wipe...

4) Put another lot of moisturiser on!

It really has helped with the itching. Oh and keeping your arms bare is really good to let the skin breathe. :hug: xx

Oooo that sounds interesting, doubt my muller corners would do the trick lmao!!! Will remember to get some natty yogurt...

Its a bit better toiday, i dont feel as flea ridden lmao!!! :rotfl:
Steelgoddess said:
Its a bit better toiday, i dont feel as flea ridden lmao!!! :rotfl:
:rotfl: I can't even explain how much I can sympathise with you! It's SOOOOO horrible!! It makes me feel diseased or something!

Anyway, hope it goes and NEVER comes back!! x
:hug: :hug:

Well skin is doing very good today no itching at all touch wood, i wonder if its the weather as today has been pants but quite cold but my skin hasnt itched at all...
You poor thing!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I swear by the oatmeal in a sock thing - well for temp relief anyway!!

Glad your feeling better today, hope the nasty itching gives you a break!!

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