grr people are so rude


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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when i'm out with the pram, other people with prams/children are courteous but the rest are rude and walk right infront of us and stuff it really annoys me. if i was on my own and was about to cross paths with a mum & baby i'd stop and let her go, not speed up my pace and run infront of her pram with my bloody sandwich :x :x :x
and i get some filthy looks i dont kno why all i can guess is because i look about 16- even if i WAS 16 so what dont judge me fucks sake grr)

oh and went to the supermarket the other day and some big white van cut infront of my car and knicked the last mother & baby space :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

sorry rant over feel better now
trixipaws said:
oh and went to the supermarket the other day and some big white van cut infront of my car and knicked the last mother & baby space :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

sorry rant over feel better now

Grrrrrr that really would've pissed me off :evil: :evil: :evil:

Take deep breaths lol :hug:
i have taken to ramming people now, when Jamie was first born and we went out, some dickhead walked straight infront of the buggy and clipped it so it tilted and I screamed!!

the amount of times ppl walk infront of me pretending not2see the pram, well they bloody well do realise im there when iv cut a chunk out of their ankle!!!!
I get people nicking mother and baby spaces all the time and I get out of my car and tell them to move politely, and if they refuse i threaten to report them as I have children in my car x try that trix that will move them lol, and the next person that cuts in front of your pram - ram there legs! I do that too and im like oh my god im so sorry when they turen around and glare at me.
Then i have a little giggle
yea i just ram into them and if they turn round ill tell them they shouldnt have walked infront of me

i dont take shit from anyone! im sick of people!
The other week i was about to reverse into a space and a van pulled into it.. I had a go, he just said he was going to be 5 mins just buying some fags.

So from now on if some one parks in a baby and parent space, Im going to park behind them and block them in. and politly say you will have to wait until ive finished my shopping... they soon change their mind and leave the space.

I even complained to customer services as there are 10 spaces at our shop and 8 cars didnt have car seats in. and they looked at me like i was mad. :evil:

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