Grr..or should that be Brrrr??


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2006
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i dont like the miserable weather today it makes me feel down.
plus my heatings decided not to brrr its freezing :(

Haydens got like 3 blankets on..but he keeps kicking them off so i dont even think hes cold! lol

i know some girls were saying they like this weather and it makes them want to cozy up..but i just feel miserable..its all dark :(
I know what you mean. I'm still at the stage where it's such an effort for me and Stanley to get out anywhere and every time I though about popping the shops today, the heavens opened! So I just had another tea and biscuit instead :)

I'm going to be a 20 stone hermit after this winter :|
Yeah it is bloody cold! I've had my heating on all day, for the first time in months! Last night was 18C in my room, and I don't care what the guidelines say about babies rooms, it's FREEZING!! Damien had a thin fleece blacket doubled over and his cellular blanket doubled over and still woke up frozen bless him. Got to buy him a quilt!
i got soaked onthe way home from work, i had to phone dh to come and get me. brrr
aww getting wet in the rain...not fun! poor you! and i know what you mean Sami..i had a doubled up sheet and 2 doubled up cellulars on Hayden and his hands were freezing so i put his scratch mitts on even though he hates them he was trying to get them off for
Is anyone else worried about energy bills?

This will be the first winter ever someone's been at home in ours during the day and with me being unwaged money is soo tight!

Extra cardies all round methinks!
:shock: Fran my heating has packed in too!!!!!!!!!

Oh brought an electric thing in so it was all cosy when i got up but had to put it away during day with Jack on the mve :?

He doesnt seem to be feeling it either
Our energy bills were a joke last year Minxy, I was home all the time as I was pregnant with Damien and not allowed to work. Cost a fortune in the end, we pay a rediculous amount to cover it over the rest of the year :?
Bloody prices have increased again too :evil:
Yeah I whacked the heating on today too!!

But cos im staying at mum and dads at the moment I had to turn it off before dad got back in from work as he would have gone mental if he had known id had the heating on, he is so tight with it!!
fran_23 said:
i dont like the miserable weather today it makes me feel down.
plus my heatings decided not to brrr its freezing :(

Haydens got like 3 blankets on..but he keeps kicking them off so i dont even think hes cold! lol

i know some girls were saying they like this weather and it makes them want to cozy up..but i just feel miserable..its all dark :(

oh shaddap moaning :lol: :lol:
budge said:
fran_23 said:
i dont like the miserable weather today it makes me feel down.
plus my heatings decided not to brrr its freezing :(

Haydens got like 3 blankets on..but he keeps kicking them off so i dont even think hes cold! lol

i know some girls were saying they like this weather and it makes them want to cozy up..but i just feel miserable..its all dark :(

oh shaddap moaning :lol: :lol:

You're gonna get slapped into labour you are! :lol:
oh slap me slap me

I love the cold weather lol, have only turned heat on in Kiaras rooma t night cuz during the day its been sunny here what is the temp out there?
Minxy said:
Is anyone else worried about energy bills?

This will be the first winter ever someone's been at home in ours during the day and with me being unwaged money is soo tight!

Extra cardies all round methinks!

I'm terrified, i pay mine quarterly and last winters bill (gas and elec) where awful, and prices have gone up.

It's definately a case of wrap up inside the house now, i feel i need to save every penny i can at this moment in time.
Hi Saulino it's been 12C where I am today and has rained most of the day too :(

I HATE THIS WEATHER and after only 3 hours sleep last nite im sure its helped me feel extra crap today :twisted:
i LURVE this weather cant wait for it to get real cold get the hats scarfs and mittens out, i love being alll snug in the house with pjs on and the curtains open seeing the rain hammering down.
and getting the kids all wrapped up and snug in their cosy toes with a nice warm botle of milk and thier lil red noses
I have to agree with dionne this is my fav time of yeay i love the cold, gettin all snug, cant wait to put my xmas tree up, get the fire on and the duvet down an chill out on sofa! just wish i had no work!
Sami said:
budge said:
fran_23 said:
i dont like the miserable weather today it makes me feel down.
plus my heatings decided not to brrr its freezing :(

Haydens got like 3 blankets on..but he keeps kicking them off so i dont even think hes cold! lol

i know some girls were saying they like this weather and it makes them want to cozy up..but i just feel miserable..its all dark :(

oh shaddap moaning :lol: :lol:

You're gonna get slapped into labour you are! :lol:

unfortunately she would enjoy being slapped too

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