Group B Strep


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2013
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Just popping over from tri one,

I've been told i've got Group B strep and been given a course of Penicillin too. Quite worried what can happen? Anybody had this early on/at all and baby been okay?
I discovered I had GBS around 35 weeks, so I have to go consultant lead for birth to get IV anti-biotics. So not had it that early, but I would guess they wouldn't give you anything if it would do any damage. At that early stage at least you have a chance of clearing it before birth. You'll probably be tested again nearer the end because it comes and goes with no symptoms. Wouldn't worry yourself about it though, you don't need extra stress right now. Hope it clears up quick and don't come back!!
I start penicillin tomorrow and got to inform midwife etc when I book in. Glad they found it now. Thanks hun, I feel better xx
Oh it's always better to know about GBS cos then they can take a proactive approach and actually do somethng about ig to give baby ghe best chance. Even if I get enough anti-biotics during labour, she'll still be monitored for 24 hours and have all the relevant tests done. They may even decide she needs some anti-biotics, but knowing it's GBS means they've got a good fighting chance of stopping it becoming a major problem.
I'm sure you have nothing to worry about, so just enjoy your pregnancy and don't let it worry you!
Good luck with everything!
How do they test for it and are there symptoms? Ive never been tested for it
If you have an internal or a swab at any point for anything else, they usually do a whole load of tests all from that one swab, but it's not something that is routinely tested for in UK. Sometimes it'll show up in a urine sample, but it has to be quite a severe strain of it to be present in your urine.
As for symptoms, there are none!! The only thing that can sometimes indicate GBS is a very watery, white-ish discharge, but most peole even miss that being as while pregnant we tend to have more and unusual discharge anyway, but with GBS there will be lots of it. And that's only if you get anything at all.
I'm only repeating what my MW told me though, so don't hold me to it!! Lol!! If you do go through birth without knowing you have it, the chsnces are baby will be fine and even if the GBS is passed on, it'll be a quick dose of anti-biotics in hospital and baby should be fit & well before you know it.

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