Group B strep


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2010
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Hi ladies, I'm wondering if any one can calm my worries about this... I had a swab taken last week to check a possible infection and got a letter from the Dr today saying it showed the presence of group B strep but "not to worry" and that the labour ward would be informed? Of course I have (probably stupidly) googled this and am now concerned about possible consequences for baby...anyone else have/had this? Any advice would be gratefully received!
I've got this hun i know its hard but don't worry, The Midwife should give you 2 lots of antibiotics when you go into labour and that means your baby will be fine. It does no harm to us but if you dont get the antibiotics it could harm baby but it WONT as you'll get them and it will be put in your notes you got GBS, I've had 3 babies and it didn't affect them you'r baby will get moniterd for 24 hours just to be on the safe side. x
I carry gbs too! With katie I got antibiotics every 4 hours in labour and then they monitored us after, with ella I didn't have time for the antibiotics but they just kept an eye on us for 12 hours I think it was - we were in hosp longer than that anyway tho! If you ask your mw next time you see them theyl give you more info! Basically it's a bacteria which a lot of people carry, but it fluctuates in the body so one week you could test positive but the next you wouldn't!

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