*groan* why does my mouth get me into trouble???


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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I wish I could blame it on my hormones and pregnancy, but it's just me I think!! DH and I had an argument this morning and EVERYTHING I said just didn't come out right and DH took it ALL the wrong way, which I can understand why. :wall: :wall: :wall: why oh why do I just come out with the most stupid things???

On the upside, I'm going out with a close friend tonight for dinner. She's intending to have steak whilst I can only watch and drool, no, dribble!! Still trying to decide what I'm going to have...hmmm decisions, decisions!! :think:

What you all up to this weekend??

Hun you're allowed to be a bit stupid, you are pregnant after all!! I was so stupid and moody when I was, my OH and brother were both going to put one on my chin after labour! :wink: :lol:

We taking Dan to zoomania this morning :cheer: and then my brother is coming up, so prob just hang out this afternoon :)
Im sure your husband will come round soon enough. I hope it wasnt too big of an arguement.

Why can't you have steak, if you dont mind me asking?
Well I only like it with blood pouring out, and it's advised that blood pouring out isn't the best thing to eat. That's what I was advised anyway. I don't think I could handle a steak well done :( otherwise I would! I'll just get loads of chips to make up for it :lol:
A load of us are going to a friend's house for a girlie night. Should be good.

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