Green poo on C&G Comfort?


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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...Is this right? I seem to get the impression on normal formula green poo is a bad thing.. Is it the same with comfort formula or is green poo normal? It says on the box that the formula will make poo change colour but it doesn't state to what colour

Green poo can mean she's getting wind. Ive had it with Tyler (it can mean other things for bf babies) but since using infocol at every feed the amount of green ones and reduced dramatically

It does say on the Comfort box that green poo at first is normal.

It does change colour after a while!
Thanks ladies, she has been on it for over 2 weeks now so I figured the poop would settle but it is still mushy pea green! I ended up contacting cow and gate and the lady told me this was normal.
I tried infacol Pinky but it doesn't make a difference with her wind. I have also tried Dentinox, Gripe Water, Colief, Massaging her, Bathing her, Giving her cool down boiled water. Not the slightest bit of difference! Just coming to terms with the fact I have a baby who will cry for over 7 hours a day :(
I am considering a sling. Holding her against my tummy with a hot water bottle in between us kind of helps at the moment so I figured a sling would have the same effect.

I am coping as best as I can, last night I felt the tears welling but managed to restrain. I had to walk out the room and count to 10 a few times. I cope better when OH is home on weekends x
Have you tried Colief hun? It's pricey but has been a godsend for my Sophia. It could be the lactose in the milk. She is now 4 months and we have taken her off it and she is now fine :)

She always had green poo which I wasn't happy about and was always windy but SMA Gold with Colief did the trick for her xxx
Forgot to add, I was advised to try her on Comfort milk and she didn't get on with it at all Colief was the only think that worked for her x
I'm having the same problems with R :(

C&G Comfort has helped ease it a little but she still cries and screams after food. Dr gave her Gaviscon for her reflux but thats just bunged her up even more.

So next step is Prescription milk - maybe its worth speaking to your Dr about it??
My LO has been on Aptimil comfort for 3 weeks and has had looser green poos, they are starting to go slightly yellow/brown now with mostly green. All normal x
P.s he was also as you described and we have done everything: dr browns bottles, colief, Infacol, gripe water, dentinox, warm baths, massage, etc

He is 10 weeks now and getting better and more settled all the time

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