Grace is being a naughty bum..


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2011
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She's been pretty quiet all day but keeps giving me the odd really hard kick.
Decided to sort her out and get her moving so I drank a cold drink and tried to wake her up. She's given me a few little kicks (I think she's lying funny though) and she just stuck her bum out (or her head) and made a funny shape in my bump :shakehead:

At least I know she's moving now but I shouldn't be worried should I? I got terribly anxious about 10 minutes ago when she wasn't responding :( My heart was in my throat.
My hospital say that I can go there anytime I'm worried but as she moved sounds like she's fine xx
they tend to be less kicky when theyre having a growth spurt im told so maybe shes just a bit busy growing bigger today lol
She's giving me a good few kicks now so perhaps she was just having a laze or a growth spurt! :lol:
She's been very active the past few days. xxx
I have a couple of days of activeness then a couple of days of quietness as long as u feel her try not to worry hard I know I worry if j don't feel LO for a few hours lol!

They go quiet at growth spurts :)
I'm sure everything is fine as she has responded now but maybe if your worried just go get checked. x
She's been kicking for a while now so I think everything is okay :) Need to get used to her being so quiet! xxx

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