got results from docs- has anyone heard of this?


Active Member
Dec 9, 2008
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Hi ladies

got my blood results from doc and he said there was only a level of 5 hcg in my blood. He said it doesnt rule out pregnancy completly cos he wants to re test on tuesday!
Its driving me crazy, all my symptoms are getting worse, and my CM ( sorry if TMI ) is coming thick and fast!

I went out yday for my 25th bday & my aunty ( who has no idea we are TTC ) asks my younger sister if i culd be pregnant, cos she keeps having dreams i am!!! Then my mums friend said, i thinkyou are, your boobs are massive.. you look different!!!!

So i am so effin confused... i feel terrible and look it at the moment, but i have no idea if its all in my head due to symptom spotting or not.
Would you guys do another test or just rule it out for this month and try again next>? AF Still hasnt arrived either, so shes 6 days late!!!!

Has anyone had that kinda blood result and acutally been pregnant??

My emotions are all over the place atm.. and OH has left for a male bonding weekend and i miss him terribly!!

Hey sweetie, I didn't want to read your post and not reply.

Sorry you are feeling like you are, I have no advice accept- as someone said to me- testing can't hurt.

I hope it turns out positive for you.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
As far as I'm aware hun you only get HCG in your system when your pregnant, so if you've got some you must be.
I believed that a hcg of 5 or over meant you were pregnant - some ladies do have an underlying amount of hcg in their system at various times apparently. You may have ovulated late and therefore implanted late - your repeat bloods should show a rise in hcg levels :hug: If you feel pregnant and are getting + on hpt with a hcg of 5 on Thursday plus your period is still not here I recon you are pregnant :D

Good luck with your next set of numbers :hug:

Jane x
i;m sorry i cant offer any advice, i really hope u are tho :hug:
good luck. heres hoping it really is a BFP :)
FX you are pg and it's late implantation. A level of 5 would be too low to show up on a pg test yet. It should double every 1.5-2 days, so by Tuesday should be >20.

One thing that concerns me, though, is that 5 is very low and if AF hasn't turned up and is 6 days late, I would be worried about whether it could be an ectopic pregnancy, where the blastocyst implants somewhere other than the uterus (most commonly in a fallopian tube). In such a case you might well get pregnancy symptoms, but the HCG is usually too low to show on a HPT; further symptoms include spotting and pain. If you have any spotting or pain, particularly one-sided pain or pain in your shoulder-tip, you MUST go to the doctor/hospital immediately. I don't want to scaremonger (even if it sounds like it) but if you don't get + pregnancy results on Tuesday, push for a scan to rule out the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. An HCG level of 5 indicates that something pregnancy-related is going on...

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