Got my BFP - What happens now?


Mar 12, 2006
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Hi Ladies

I've done 2 home tests today and both came up positive. We've been trying for 6 months, so I'm really excited!

This is my first pregnancy, so I just wondered what happens next with the doctors etc.

Congrats! Make an appointment to see your doctor to confirm it and he/she will give you a run down of what will happen next. You won't see a midwife until you are around 10wks or so providing everything goes well.

Mermaid x
Congratulations Billyette!!!! It's a great feeling isn't it?

I'm 7 wks now and I told my Dr when I was 4 weeks (which I guess is about where you are)...It seems all surgeries have different ways of sorting out your first appointment...Some seem to book people in straight away for their first check at 8-12 wks, and others (like mine) need chasing and chasing! Hopefully yours will be one of the good ones!

Anyway, even without the help of my Dr's, I've learned lots of useful info from books I got out of the library and it's great to come on to this site and chat to others in the same boat!!!!
Congrats, bet you are walking on air!!! I have just started coming down off cloud nine...
I went to docs at 4 weeks, as soon as I got my BFP, and got my booking in appointment letter a week later-I had my scan@ 8 weeks at hozzie and then they take it all from there.
This forum is a great support, I dont know howI would of got through some of my concerns without the lovely girlies on here...feel free to ask anything, anytime-there will always be someone with good advice

Enjoy every second, its such a magical time!!

Good luck and congrats again :dance: :clap: xxxx
Billyette said:
This is my first pregnancy, so I just wondered what happens next

You start throwing up, you get fater and none of your clothes will fit, everyone will comment on how big you are looking. You'll need to pee all the time, even when you havent drunk much. Baby starts moving and keeps you up all night. You wont be able to bend, or tie up shoes. It'll take you 3 hours to get out of a chair. You'll feel tired and ill one min and really happy the next. You'll cry at the most stupidest things of telly (I cried at a advert with a baby on it the other day :roll: ) You wont be able to get comfy in bed. You might go off food you really love, and crave horrible things you would never eat normaly in your life. You boobs will leak and you'll have to wear pads in your bra, then they get soggy and you'll have to change them. You'll try and hold the pee in really hard when you sneeze lol.

After all that, you go into labour, the worst pain EVER in the world.
You feel tired and want to sleep......

But you'll have by the end of it the most precious most amazing thing you will ever have in your whole life.... your baby boy/girl.

and all the above will be forgotten.... until next time.
violet-glow said:
Billyette said:
This is my first pregnancy, so I just wondered what happens next

You start throwing up, you get fater and none of your clothes will fit, everyone will comment on how big you are looking. You'll need to pee all the time, even when you havent drunk much. Baby starts moving and keeps you up all night. You wont be able to bend, or tie up shoes. It'll take you 3 hours to get out of a chair. You'll feel tired and ill one min and really happy the next. You'll cry at the most stupidest things of telly (I cried at a advert with a baby on it the other day :roll: ) You wont be able to get comfy in bed. You might go off food you really love, and crave horrible things you would never eat normaly in your life. You boobs will leak and you'll have to wear pads in your bra, then they get soggy and you'll have to change them. You'll try and hold the pee in really hard when you sneeze lol.

After all that, you go into labour, the worst pain EVER in the world.
You feel tired and want to sleep......

But you'll have by the end of it the most precious most amazing thing you will ever have in your whole life.... your baby boy/girl.

and all the above will be forgotten.... until next time.
Aww bless sorry Billyette hope I havent scared you...
there are some good points, cant think of them right now but im sure there lol

(I am only messing by the way)
LMAO @ Violet-Glow

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! :dance:

Wishing you a healthy & happy pregnancy! xx
Thanks for all your kind (and scarily honest) words! I still can't believe it. :shock:

When did you start telling people? I haven't told my parents yet, we're all still getting over the fact that my sister found out last week that she's 3 months pregnant with her 2nd child. It wasn't planned for her and she's actually got kidney disease brought on by Lupus so she's not very hopeful that she'll be able to carry to term. I'm not sure how they'll take my news.
I told my best friend immediately after my first ++, just so I had someone else to talk to about it. My OH and I told our parents at 6 weeks and I'm glad I did because, since morning sickness kicked in, I am finding it difficult to hide and it would have been near-on impossible around my parents who I see regularly.

Still struggling to keep it a secret at work. I don't want to tell my colleagues until I am 12 weeks and I want to tell the rest of my family and my friends before them but it's getting difficult...I feel so ill at work and I'm now wearing sea bands to help take away the nausea...How long until they put 2 and 2 together?

I can see that your situation is a little more complicated with your sister...I think you just have to do what feels right to you...For me personally, it helps having my Mom to talk to and get advice from because, like you, it's my first time!
Congrats and welcome to the forum!

All doctors are different hun. I actually told the receptionist when I phoned that I had a BFP and asked her what to do. She said I didn't need to have it confirmed by the doctor as they only used the same sort of tests we do. She booked me straight in with the midwife for my booking in appointment. I was only 5 weeks pg!

I couldn't keep it a secret, and we had told everyone by 6 weeks!!! I told my daughter first (the next day once it had sunk in), then both sets of parents, then everyone else. It really helped me as I was feeling sick constantly, I had a risk assessment at work and they changed my job, I do not think I could have coped at work otherwise. I'm not one of these superstitious people who says you shouldn't tell anyone until the first scan. I wanted to shout our good news from the rooftops!!

Violet - :shock: :lol: You've scared me s***less!!!!! :lol: :lol:
Congratulations hun....after what Violet said im pooing me pants too :shock:

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