got early scan date

tracey 2

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2006
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hi guys i got my early scan date in the post this morning.

Its on monday 18th Dec so il will be just over 8 weeks i think. Im looking forward to it so hopefully it will all be ok, i just really need it for reassurance more than anything else. I dont think i could have waited til my 12 week scan i would have gone mad with nerves. :pray: :pray:

Also think m/s has started have been so ill today hope it goes soon, everyone is asking questions at work im just saying its a 24hr bug :oops: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: x x
Good luck, I had one at 7 weeks, saw nothing but a white blob but heard the heartbeat which was great. At least it's before Christmas so you won't be worrying then. :)
good luck with your scan hun, hope all goes well for you!!!
How do you get an early scan then? I've been told to clear off by my doctor for a few more weeks and I'm living in some sort of limbo world. I don't feel pregnant at all (apart from the world's most enormous bosoms!) and it all feels like a big joke. Would be nice to know there is something in there.

Good luck with yours.
hi mayday,

Only reason im having an early reassurance scan is because i miscarried almost 3 months ago, i went for my 12 week scan and saw the baby but there was no heartbeat :cry:

He agreed to see if he could get me one otherwise i would be worrying till my 12 week scan and my blood pressure is high at the moment as it is, just for reassurance that everything is going ok.

Most of the time you done have a scan till 12 weeks. Hope you feel a bit more pregnant soon :hug: :hug:
Aaah - I see! Hope things work for you this time.

Hope you feel a bit more pregnant soon

That'll probably be a mixed blessing :?
I don't feel pregnant at all (apart from the world's most enormous bosoms!)

I never felt pregnant till the M/s started which was at 7 weeks soon you'll forget what its like to not feel pregnant.

good luck for the scan
Good luck with your scan Tracy, don't forget to post the pic!! :D
good luck with your scan hun i had to wait till 12 weeks to get a scan the doctor told me to clear off but hope it goes well for you xxxxxxx
thanks guys im excited and nervous at the same time just want to know that everything is ok, well the sign that m/s has proberly started is a good sign for me.

Rach- your back :wave: iv missed you i thought you had left me hadnt heard from you for ages. catch up soon

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for you all
Glad to hear they've given you an early scan babe :hug: :hug:
Good luck for your scan hun bet you wish it was time for it now, not too long to wait though. xx
Hi Tracey,

I'm really pleased for you, and so glad you get it before xmas, i hope everything goes ok and puts your mind at rest.

Did they say what age your baby died at the 12 week scan or couldnt they tell?

Claire xx
thank you for the lovely messages guys am nervous but definetly think the m/s has really kicked in now so rough today.

Claire- i lost the baby at about 10 weeks and i was 11 weeks when i had my scan (its on the bottom of my ticker). :hug:

So happy for you , hope all goes well hun
weird, I posted a reply to this when you first made the thread...but is not on.

Just wanted to say yey!! Hope the scan goes really well, you must be really excited to see your little bean :D
:wave: it is such along wait..... i waited till my 12 weeks scan which was such aloooong wait.. gosh but i tried to keep my self busy and it came and it was the most beautiful i have ever seen I'm so over the moon..... but i think you should wait just because 12 weeks your baby looks like a baby.. and after the same you'll have you'll have to wait 20 weeks which it killing me but I'll wait good luck babe :D :D :D :hug: :hug: :hug:

thanks for all the messages guys i am so so nervous what if they tell me there is no baby or that iv lost it again all these questions just keep going around in my head i know i should be thinking positive but cant help but worry im terrified.

I think its all these hormones going around in me keep crying half the time even now ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, also proberly because i feel so ill its horrid. I know so many people have m/s and many worse than i have but im just feeling so sorry for myself just want a hug. :hug: :hug: :hug:

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