got c- section date!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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well yeh... i had another scan today because hes been breech 4 a while and surprise surprise he still is lol i knew he would be, i think hes comfy now and there doesnt seem to be any room 4 him to move any more!! the woman doing it said he is quite big :shock: lol

i didnt think they would give me a date but they did... 10th july :D :dance: ive got to go in on friday 7th july for my pre- op things like blood tests, another scan to make sure hes still breech etc... then ive got to go in at night time on the 9th :D i will have to watch the world cup final in hospital :( not too happy about that but o well!! then i will have my c- section at about 9am on 10th july :D :dance:

i feel quite weird about it... i cant describe how i feel. im happy that i will get to meet him sooner than i thought but also feel slightly worried. im trying not to think about it too much because i think it will worry me even more. it hasnt sunk in yet and still doesnt feel real... i dont feel like in 3 weeks ill have my little boy, its quite scary :?

hope everyone is ok :D just wanted to share my news with u all :D

hayley xx
How exciting Hayley! I can't imagine knowing the exact date to be having LO! Although I do wish i knew. I've just had my 36 wk ANC and had my labour chat! My MW is really love;y and I hope she will be the one I get when I go into labour. I just hope its all a bit quicker this time as it was about 30 hours with Sam. Am a bit worried about it being too quick though as my mum had my brother (her 2nd) in an hour! My MW said if they get here to check me and i'm far on, then they'll pro bably keep me at home which is a scary thought as well!!!

Tan x
Great news Hayley, and the day before my due date which is the 11th! Hope everything goes well, keep us updated!
posted on the other message..... but i am so excited you have a date!! xxx
congratulations how exciting, im sure you will have a lovely birth even if it is a c section i'm happy for you come on 10th of july!

Thats so exciting. I know we all have our EDD but they are not guaranteed i wish i knew exactly when my l/o would be coming. x
That will come round really quick now, Im sure it will all be fine and you will have alot more 1 to 1

Not long to go now!
Hope everything goes well for you :D :dance:
thanks everyone... im really excited now and im just constantly thinking about it!! think i was a bit in shock earlier and although it hasnt really sunk in yet im still all happy! :D :D

cant believe in a couple of weeks ill be posting to say ive had my little boy :D :dance:

just hoping it doesnt really drag now!! :D

still got no name ??? lol
im so happy for u babe and feel sick with excitememnt lol
oh good news hayley - hope its good news! at least you know now when you'll be holding your little one... 10th July isn't long now!

i went in today to see if my LO was still breech - been the same as you! breech all the way.. and at last he/she has turned - baby is finally engaged..

no sarah lol not really got a name yet... think i no it but not really sure yet!! :D im really happy 2... just really hoping he doesnt decide to turn now cuz id be really annoyed. i no that sounds bad but im just so fed up and this has made me feel alot better :D

thats good news for you hayley!! i thought your LO might have turned, your bump piccie was really low down!! mine is still so high up, right in my ribs lol yeh 10th july isnt too long now, it just seems to be going slowly lol

hehe im sooo excited :D just want it to go faster now... ill probs regret saying that!! lol


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