Got a letter this morning...

Dragonfly Fi

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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Inviting me for an ultrasound, no letter to explain WHY i am having an ultrasound or suggestion of post-mortem results (though i assume that is what it is about)

Its in the radiology department which is better than the obs and gynea department i suppose (though they will probably send me there afterwards like they did last time)

be a bit shocked if there is a baby in there wont they! lol
I'd give them a ring and make sure, you don't want to trek up there for nothing! so rude that they don't tell you what its for! Hope it means you'll get some answers though! xx
I will wait a few days i think, if i have a baby in my bellah it will be nice to have an early scan ;)
I will wait a few days i think, if i have a baby in my bellah it will be nice to have an early scan ;)

Omg wouldn't that just be amazing? The problem with the nhs is the letters are robotic and mass produced. I know it would take alot for them to do individual letters but some things are just so sensitive it would be nice if they made the effort to explain.

Hope everything's ok hun and there's a baby dragon in there :hug: xxxxxxxxxxx
Yeah wait a few days and give them a call to see if they know why. Hope it goes ok x
testing on the 27th officially... might do a cheeky few before that though ;)
I am going to do OPK's until around 10dpo and then i am going to move on to PG tests...

I dont know how i would cope, not POAS for a day! lol

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