Gosh - in 3rd Tri already!

Hello girls,

I can't believe I'm here! I feel like a bit of a "fraud", wondering if at any minute someone's going to tap me on the shoulder and tell me I've been dreaming and shouldn't be here :shock:

It's my birthday next week, so I'm going to treat myself to another scan :D I'm off to 'phone up for an appointment now.

It will be nice to "see some old familiar faces" on here that I haven't seen for a few weeks (if they haven't all gone and had their babies already, that is!) and to get to know some new mums-to-be.

I hope everyone is well and happy.

Hi Wendy, welcome to Tri 3. It's went quite quicky for me in here so far - hope it does for you too xx
Welcome to tri 3, hope it goes quickly for you :hug: :hug:

:cheer: Yippee... your here too!!! :clap: isn't it all so exciting! ! and i do agree, it's like a dream state.... wonder if we are still saying the same in 12 weeks? ? bet it's more like... hurry up and come baby we want to meet you by that time... oh yeah! !

Congratulations Wendy, Enjoy your birthday and your scan...
Lv Yvonne xx :hug: :clap: :dance: :cheer:
Hello :wave: Time is FLYING by for me here!! Enjoy
Blimy i cant believe your here already!!! Hi and wheres the cakes?
Thanks girls! You'll be here in a few days, Midna (and probably have your little one before me!).

Mrs. Tommo - I would have brought cakes, only for the first time ever, I'm getting a bit worried about my weight. I've put on over 2 stones already - about 5lbs this week! I've still to hit the big "growth spurt" of 28-32 weeks according to my pregnancy books too, so I wonder if I should watch what I'm doing? I think I've tucked into too much of everything, but especially sweet things, since I gave up smoking.

I tried lots of ways to add a photo of some organic fruit, but nothing worked :?
Hi Wendy :wave:

Welcome on over hun, time really does run away with you over here i feel like i just came over and now i have less than 4 weeks left it's crazy :shock:

Glad yoiu made it over :cheer: :hug:
Hi Paula,

For once in this pregnancy, I'm glad to be the "newbie" in the tri and to still be lagging a few weeks behind everyone else! Now, if I was at your stage (36 weeks), I'd count that as being only 1 (or 2) weeks from when I was due. This is because "term" is classed as anything from 37 weeks onwards nowadays, (it used to be 38 weeks).

I didn't get to 40 weeks with either of my other children, so I'd start to fret if I went too close to 40 weeks. Already, I see myself as only having 10 weeks left before I'm on "red alert" and worried about straying too far from home :D

I'm already worrying about the end of October and really hoping that this baby doesn't decide to come at Halloween. I can just imagine it - I'm going to try for a home birth and there would be me in labour, with the door going every couple of minutes with 'trick or treaters' and my kids needing me to dress them up...nightmare! :D

It's different for everyone though. When I went to my first NCT classes, me and another girl had the same due date, yet our sons were born about a month apart. Mine came early, hers came late (although both still at term). I felt like an old hand by the time she had hers.

It seems to go on how your mum got on, so you could perhaps ask if her first was late or early. Although they didn't have scans as readily then, so perhaps their due dates weren't as accurate?
:cheer: :dance: :wave:

I have just said to my DH... I cant believe how the time has flown by!!

Good luck and enjoy!
Hello WendyWandy :wave:
Hope Tri3 doesn't go too fast for you, and hope it's comfy and relaxed for you too!!
Very best wishes & BIG hugs :hug:
Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone. Glad you're here now too, Gem. Yes, hopefully, fingers crossed, everything will be okay for everyone now. I have a growth & progress scan booked for Monday at 7pm at Nuffield in Glasgow (yep, ANOTHER scan). Hopefully, that will put my mind at rest and I can then wait till I meet the baby to see him/her again.

Redshoes, I wanted to read your birth story, but couldn't find it going back a little way on your profile (previous posts). Do you have a link to it? I think I remember rightly that you were going to try for a homebirth? I've booked for one this time again, so I'd like to read how you got on.

I didn't get my homebirth WendyWandy, but thankyou for thinking of me :hug: My waters broke on the Tuesday evening and Isaac still wasn't here by the Friday afternoon, and after a possible infection we decided to admit, and he was born on the Saturday afternoon after an induction (I was 7cm when admitted and the labour was great up to then :D )

Here's the link, not sure what you wanted it for exactly but feel free to PM anytime, and best wishes :hug: I do know other ladies have had successful homebirths, valentine and trixipaws are two that come to mind :) http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/v ... hp?t=37205

*On a final rant, they cannot stop you having a homebirth, regardless of any 'tactics' they use to suggest otherwise, unless special circumstances arise BEFORE labour*

I'll read your story, thanks for the link. I had a similar experience my first time too. I was all set for a home water birth but (after my waters broke early too), I had a prolonged and very painful "back-to-back" labour, and I ended up going in to hospital.

At home beforehand, the m/ws weren't supposed to hand me over to anyone else, they brought 2 empty cannisters of gas and air (twice! one went to the hospital to change the cannisters and brought back another 2 empties :shock: ) and so persuaded me to go in, as they were knackered and I was in tremendous pain.

At the time, I felt very "cheated" by my first baby's birth experience. I now realise that you can't control how labour is going to go and that having a healthy baby is the most important thing, not where/how he or she is born, which is why I urged you to have an open mind when you were pregnant.

As this is my 3rd child, I am really hoping that I manage to have this baby at home (well, I'm hoping that it will be a quicker and more manageable labour in that my body might be more adapted to it and I know what to expect), but I'm prepared to go in, if I feel I have to at the time.

I really feel for the mums who've had to change their plans at the last minute, because it can make the birth seem quite traumatic (although perhaps a first birth is essentially traumatic whatever the circumstances?). I think that, after any birth, you need to "de-brief" by talking/writing about your experience.

This time around, I would like a homebirth, but understand that for a variety of reasons outwith my control, I might have to go into hospital, and I'm prepared for that.
:wave: :wave: Hiya and welcome wendy hope all goes well for the rest of your time here.

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