Good or Bad???


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2007
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I have been weighing myself every couple of weeks now as just wanted to keep an eye on my wieght.
Although I feel like the size of a house (probably look like one too :rotfl: ) I havent put any weight on in the past 2 months :shock: :shock: I seem to have stopped gaining at 1 and a 1/2 stone. Everything is fine with LO as he is very active and midwife said I was measuring right. Not worried about it just wondered if anyone experienced the same. Suppose it is a good thing as less to lose after birth :dance: . Saying that I still have 7 weeks to go and could balloon in that time :roll:
Sherry xx
i piled on most of my weight in 2nd tri (7kg between 16 and 23 weeks!), but since then only 3.5kg, so its slowing down. i cant eat as much now theres less room lol
i wouldn't worry i haven't gained a thing. still exactly the same weight but i am measuring big for dates so have had growth scans to check baby is the right size. which he is!

I felt much bigger in 2nd tri but did not put on nearly as much as I would have thought. Definatley does not seem to be much of a link between weight and size - most odd, but nothing to worry about.
I weighed myself this morning and have put on 2st 2lb :|

Most of that was between 19 and 28 weeks, since then its slowed right down.

I dont think weight gain matters as long as you and LO are healthy
I only put on 1.2 stone up to 30'ish weeks, and have only just got a 'bump' in the third tri, someone at college didn't know I was pregnant until this week :shock: I've just started putting more visible weight on the past 2 weeks. If your LO is active and MW is happy I would say it's all going great for you and LO, very best wishes :hug:
Last time I put on nearly all my weight in the first 18 weeks as a result of the nausea and resulting gorging on carbohydrates! I only put on a couple of extra pounds once the nausea had ceased.

This time I haven't weighed myself at all so I haven't a clue how much I've gained, but I didn't have any nausea so didn't have the same problem with eating early on. I may do so tonight though as now I'm quite curious!!

I don't think it's a bad sign as you say baby's the right size and it seems quite common to put more on in the early days and then level out later in pregnancy.


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