good news for a change


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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my brother in law came over tonight, he offered us a holiday to florida, next weekend for a week, flights and villa all paid for, they had booked it for themselves but due to work commitments they cant go, so we are going to florida :cheer: :cheer: and i will be ov when im away :cheer: and my 2 daughters were conceived while on holiday :wink: so holiday baby here we come :dance: :dance:
What a fantastic surprise - have a great time and bring home your own little Mickey x x x x
What a lovely surprise!!!! Good luck with ttc conceive on holiday!!! Hope u get ur BFP!! xxxx
WOW, sounds cool, have a fab time and good luck with TTC whilst your away.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
wow!!! you lucky lucky girl and fingers crossed for holiday baby. Have fun because hopefully you won't be able to go on rollercoasters & mad rides for ooh at least 9 months after :wink:
That's amazing news!!! You are sooooooooooooooo going to be doing lots of BD'ing and being in the best ever relaxed mood to conceive, oh so happy for you :pray: :pray: :pray: BFP starts in Florida for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
wow have afab time!!!

I really hope you get your holiday baby, people are somuch more chilled out on hols so i hope you get pregnant!
You will hav to give your baby a american name!
(my kids have the names orlando and dakota)you may use arizona :rotfl:

Have fun!!!!
8) 8) 8) :dance: Thats fab news i love it over there you will have a great time xx
What a great BIL you have!!!! Hope youhave a fantastic time and make sure you et laods of BDing in!!!!!
That's great news, enjoy yourselves and hears to a BFP :cheer:
Thats great!! I hope you have a wonderful time!! Good luck!
Wow, what a nice brother!!

Hope you enjoy the hol!! :lol:

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