Good HV visit today


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Apr 29, 2005
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well done you hon - you've done an awesome job and should rightly be proud!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well done you :clap:

And well done Cally of course :)

I am glad you have received a good response from your HV about baby led weaning, i do hope i get the same response when the time comes. Might not as when i got the 'weaning visit' they banged on about starting on purees no lumps :?

I think its a great acheivement getting to 6 months and it should be celebrated. I will be if i get to 6 months too. I havent found breastfeeding to be easy at all and i am still struggling (but that is another story) so i will be celebrating if i get there :)
Good for you and Cally, well done :clap: :clap: :clap:

You should be proud of yourself, thats 15 months your body has been growing Cally, thats amazing! :cheer:
That's great news :D

Having had a snuggle yesterday I agree Cally is doing great on your milk, she's totally fabulous! :D
Well done to you both, that is truly an achievement :hug:
beanie said:
I really hope this doesn't come across as a "I am a great mum cos I got to 6 months" post as its not (the recent happenings on here have made me feel really self concious about talking about weaning and breastfeeding),

:( Thats not good, don't let anyone make you feel that way. You should be proud of getting to 6 months, weaning earlier can often seem like the easiest option and to get LO's to a point where they are ready for solids is a great start to life for them. As is your breastfeeding too.. I hope that when I have my next LO I am as successful as you and others. Your a real inspiration to girls wanting to breastfeed. :clap:

Glad the health visitor was supportive, i've found with most I just keep my mouth shut about my plans cos they can sometimes overstep the mark in offering you advice :shakehead: but it's great when you get the ones who actually have an open mind.

Both Cally and Seren are beautiful little girls and a credit to you :hug:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
beanie said:
I really hope this doesn't come across as a "I am a great mum cos I got to 6 months" post as its not (the recent happenings on here have made me feel really self concious about talking about weaning and breastfeeding),

:( Thats not good, don't let anyone make you feel that way. You should be proud of getting to 6 months, weaning earlier can often seem like the easiest option and to get LO's to a point where they are ready for solids is a great start to life for them. As is your breastfeeding too.. I hope that when I have my next LO I am as successful as you and others. Your a real inspiration to girls wanting to breastfeed. :clap:

Glad the health visitor was supportive, i've found with most I just keep my mouth shut about my plans cos they can sometimes overstep the mark in offering you advice :shakehead: but it's great when you get the ones who actually have an open mind.

Both Cally and Seren are beautiful little girls and a credit to you :hug:

thankyou hun, that means a hell of alot to me as does everyone else's comments :hug:

charlie84 said:
I am glad you have received a good response from your HV about baby led weaning, i do hope i get the same response when the time comes. Might not as when i got the 'weaning visit' they banged on about starting on purees no lumps :?

hehe she wasn't my usual HV. My usual one was theone who suggested that I give Seren chips and tomato sauce for her to dip in, as a finger food - Seren was 8 months old at the time :wall:
beanie said:
thought I should take Cally to get weighed today as haven't been for a while. Plus as she is being weaned tomorrow I was curious as to what weight I had got her to, she is 19lb 1oz (was 8lb 8oz at birth). The HV (not my usual one) was amazed she was still booby only, said I was the only mum she had ever met to get to 6 months without weaning. She hadn't heard of baby led weaning and we chatted about it, she was really positive about it (which is a new one as I usually get told to puree) and talked about breastfeeding and how long I was going to feed for.

I really hope this doesn't come across as a "I am a great mum cos I got to 6 months" post as its not (the recent happenings on here have made me feel really self concious about talking about weaning and breastfeeding), it is just me being a proud mum. I set out to achieve the 6 months thing and I did, it was a lot of hard work and I'll be honest being the sole provider of nutrition for a lively big baby is exhausting espcially with a toddler too. I weaned Seren earlier then 6 months and don't regret it as it felt right to do so the only thing I do regret is allowing my self to be pressurised into doing it sooner then I wanted (she weaned at 19 weeks then I stopped and started her again at 5 1/2 months). Plus I have been feeling like a really lousy parent lately and my old insecurities come back and it was just really good to have some confirmation that I can do things I set my heart on.

The only thing I want to know though is if she has gained nearly 10lbs why haven't I lost it?? :lol:

Beanie its fantastic that you have got Cally to 6 months without weaning. She is a great weight and obviously really thriving! - I don't think you come across as "I am a great mum cos I got to 6 months" at all, its more about "I am proud of myself for achieving what I wanted to achieve and wasn't sure I could"....But you did and the girl did good!
-I think we all have moments where we feel like we have been a bad parent, but great parents are the ones that stop and question whether they doing a good job. Parenting is one giant learning experience and we can only learn from any mistakes we may have made - I've certainly made my share! - But being a fab Mommy is learning from those mistakes and moving on!
-You have two beautiful children and from what I can see you are doing a sterling job and you should be very proud!
Well done :clap: :clap: you should be very proud :D xx
That's a great weight beanie :cheer:

Lola was only 17lb 6oz on her birthday so Cally already weigh's more than her :eek:

I was in total awe of you when we met for the first time this turned up all flustered and stressed after a long drive to the Liverpool meet on Tuesday, but you sat down and bobbie fed Callie who was soon settled and socalising....your two beautiful girls are a credit to you-they are happy and healthy-both fantastically cute and happy.

You should be VERY proud of yourself chicken, I adored your girls, they are a pleasure to be with :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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