Gone from one extreme to the other!


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Yesterday I couldnt keep anything down, today I cant stop eating, is anyone else feeling the same? x x

I'm the same! Couldn't really face food until Monday so rest of this week I've been stuffing my face to make up for the last months lack of food, just hope the nausea don't come back, I like eating, can't get enough peanut butter just now!
Im loving being able to eat again but forgot that i wouldnt be able to eat as much as i used to so im now bloated and stuffed! x x

I wish I could eat... carrot sticks and hot crss buns seems to be all..... :-(

Husband asked me what I want for dinner... He is suggested curry... :-( Not sure what I can eat...

Hopefully tomorrow I feel as good as you M2A..
Hope you do too hunny, i know exactly how your feeling right now and just want to give you a big :hug: because its not nice.
im not holding out much hope its going to stay like this but im enjoying it while i can.
I bought the whole office lollies ices for this afternoon thinking i wouldnt be feeling to good, im sure ill still enjoy them though :) x x

I haven't had the sickness, a little bit of nausea sometimes but mainly I just keep eating and eating and eating.

Today I feel HUGE, fell like I have a real pregnant belly, thanks goodness my first scan is two weeks today as I don't think I'll be able to hide it for much longer.

Glad you have managed to eat today xxx
Know what you mean about not eating too much in one go though, think my tummy must have shrunk, I just keep picking all day instead of eating meals, def enjoying it while I can!
I have been very lucky and not had any sickness to date, just the occassional day where i have felt off colour but nothing has stopped me from eating!! Feel soo bad for those who have had such a rough time of it so far - hope the days of eating are here to stay for you!! :)

Its awful as I just cant stop myself.....I am trying to eat healthy but have gone off of all veggies & chicken....yuk! Love fruit at the mo so trying to alternate that with chocolate!!

I am terrified of ballooning, i am only 4'9" so dont carry extra weight very well!! I have a proper porky belly now - although its much firmer and rounder than my old 'fat' belly!
Im only eating more as Ive been on Weight Watchers and the novelty of being on normal fat foods again is great. Ive already eaten a full breakfast, 2 bags of crisps and an aero :s Oops.
hehe i totally understand cherrybinky....i was on lighterlife when i found out i was pg!! Came off the shakes as soon as i found out and havent stopped eating since. I am terrified that the 2 stone is gonna pile on in a matter of weeks!

I am still going to the gym 4 times a week so hopefully that will help counteract the rubbish i am currently eating!! Once this tiredess has eased up i am hoping to start swimming too - anything to stop me pilling on too much weight!
wow 2 stone Rummy, thats great. I was going to start the gym as soon as Id got to my ideal weight to keep it off and swim as well as didnt have much confidence before. Ive mentioned swimming to OH as we used to take his little ones before Xmas. Might get my cozzie out :O
I went to aquanatal when i was pregnant with Adam, it was great and as soon as im 12 weeks im going to start it again. Its only light exercises so not what im used to with running but its great to meet other mums to be too, definetly worth a look whether they do it where you are x x

i did aquanatal classes when i was pregnant with alfie and later on in my pregnancy i can remember my stomach going so hard i was so scared i was in labour but it was fine and it made me feel good about myself too..... something i will deff start up again this time x
I am hoping that once I start feeling a bit better that I can get out on my bike especially with the weather getting better too now... May look into a aquanatal class too...

Just feel ill all the time at the moment so cannot do anything....

Use to play netball twice a week but haven't done any sport or exercise for the last 5 weeks....
Well yesterday looked like it was a good day, today im feeling yucky again :( feeling light headed too.
Oooh id love to go on bike rides but id have to get one of those kiddie cart things for Adam x x

I read you shouldn't ride a bike from tri 2 incase you fall off as your balance has all changed, I love my bike as well! I felt crap last night after feeling great all day and couldn't eat any tea, never mind I can handle evening nausea!
I Hope you feel better soon. I am also suffering pretty bad. I have not actually been sick, just the nausea is so bad I think I would rather be sick thorought the day.

I have days where I wan to eat everything I find, then the next day I think of food and I just want to dash to the loo to to not be sick! The joys :lol:
Will give a bike ride a go and see how it goes. If I feel unsafe I will stop... Also my husband is very protective so will keep a close eye on me. :)

Just feel like a lump at the moment not being able to do anything...

Living off vegemite on toast today... seems to help for a little while....

I too would rather be physically sick rather then just feel ill. Then I can go to bed for a good reason... rather then living this horrible half life...

Just need to remember baby must be doing well if I'm feeling bad. :)

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