Going to start weaning onto formula at end month. Best one?


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Just wanted to do a survey really.,

I know all babies are different but I am interested to know which formula your LO uses and have you tried any others first with no success?

We're hitting the 6 month exclusive breastfeeding mark at the end of the month and I've made the decision to start to wean Ash onto formula. (I get my freedom back yeah!!!!!!!!!!!).

Just wondered which one I should try first? Did you have any bad/good experiences?

Tried SMA Gold but he got constipated so after advice given to Snuggle with the similar problem, I moved him onto Cow and Gate (green packet) and he's been fine on it I'd really recommend it. Ihave heard Aptamil can make babies quite sicky so I didn't even try that one.

Well done on 6 months breastfeeding! :cheer:
i used aptamil from birth but he was quite sicky so used c&g comfort that i doubt u would need at 6 months .

know on hipp organic , so far so good altho thats the newborn one and i presum at 6 months u'll need the follow on milk !
We use C&G1 and shes never had a problem on with sick or poo :lol:
Hi KJ, I'm just starting to do this just now (I bf for 6 months too) and I'm using Aptamil (first stage). I gave him his first taste of it on Saturday and he's been totally fine with it. I'm also weaning him onto solids so I expected him to be a bit off cos of the changes but he's fine! Im still bf in the morning and before bed just now but will start to fade that out when I think I can cope with it! xx
Hi KJ :wave:
I've been using Aptamil. Been great for us. She has never been constipated on it or sick. When I changed on to it I gave it 2 weeks and then she was settled and I knew what signs were just the result of changing formula rather than any reaction from the milk.
Does that make sense? Read it and thought 'huh'? :)
Started on Aptimil which made her very sick, changed to SMA Gold which made her constipated, went onto C&G Comfort briefly to clear her out and am now on C&G (green one) which suits her.
Congrats on breastfeeding for 6 months :hug:
Willow was on aptilmil first satge for seven months and never had any probs at all with it then oved her on to aptimil third stage follow on milk and ha no probs with that either.

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