Going out/leaving baby


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2011
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Tomorrow I am going out and leaving LO for the first time. I know he's going to be fine but still very anxious.

How old we're your LOs when you left them for the first time.

I wouldn't go out usually but I'm celebrating my birthday which was on Tuesday!
Oh I am going out for the first time next Saturday - so can't offer any advice but I know how you feel - enjoy your birthday celebrations
i went out for a few hours (to the pub) when Max was 3 1/2 weeks, but he was with his daddy so i didnt feel worried. felt really guilty though n ended up leaving early and coming home!

I am leaving Evie with my mum next Thu when she will be nearly 5 weeks just for a couple of hours so I can go and register her birth. my OH is working so I have to go by myself and just figured it would be quicker and easier to do if she wasn't kicking off in the register office! I don't really have a problem with it as it's only going to be a couple of hours maximum and my mum is fab - she'll be well looked after!!
With my first I didn't leave him for aaaages. With the second I left him at 2 weeks old with my mum to go to a uni open day. With the twins I left them at 4 weeks old, again with my mum, because I had a job interview 35 miles away x
Ok I've just managed to drive to the shops which are less than 5 mons away as oh was cooking tea

Hated it but Harry was none the wiser as he was asleep
I have only left him to have my nails done the other day and daddy had him xx
My oldest was 3months first time I left her and my youngest was 7weeks and left for an hour :lol:
I barely leave them now either cause it just doesn't feel right to be away from them :/ xx

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I went to a concert when LO was 4 weeks old. Left him with OH so I knew he'd be ok. Felt like a part of me was missing all night though!!!
I left Chloe at about 3 weeks with MiL. Me and OH went for a meal at Frankie and Bennies, was gone an hour and half and made OH phone his dad 3 times to check she was ok, oh yeah and cried for most of the meal :)
lol dustbunny i managed to last about an hour before checking in with OH!

its always hard leaving them, just get an intense feeling of guilt but you have to make time for yourself xxxx
I left lo with my mum for the odd hour from a week old and when she wa two monts I had an evening out and my OH had her which he loved.
I feel exactly the same. Supposed to be going out next weekend for a friends birthday (by which time Jack will be 5 weeks old) but because i haven't been apart from him at all since giving birth i think it's going to be a bit of an ordeal. I'll be leaving him with his daddy so sure all will be well but i'll probably still end up coming home early. None of my friends have babies so they don't understand why i'm apprehensive about leaving him for a night out x
a week ago on thursday for the whole day when i went back to college
First time was when she was 9 weeks, and have left her three more times since for a maximum of an hour since she still eats every 2 hours and refuses a bottle. Every time was with my Mom or mil. Dh still hasn't been alone with her!
My LO was 6 weeks old and she stayed with her dad at his house. I kept ringing him and at about 10pm I was all ready to go pick her up because she was crying :( I didn't though and got her the next morning and she was perfectly fine.

The next time was when she was 8 weeks old over night with my parents (I lived with them at the time so she was still at home) because I had to go back to uni which was a 6 hour round trip. Figured it would be easier to stay over night!
3 weeks old wit her daddy for 4hours ( including bedtime - i kinda threw him in at the deep end)

5weeks old with in laws for a coulple of hours while DH and I went for dinner for our first wedding anniversary.

Poor child has been abandoned to grandparents 3nights this week due to DH & I having church commitments.

We're quite lucky in the G has always been happy to take a bottle, and is so laid back that she'll happily stay with anyone. Xxx
3 days for a few hours to go to tesco then a week to go for a meal... i sound like a bad mum but im glad i got it over with so now im fine xx
I went out when G was about 1.5 months old. I felt fine, but my poor oh did not have good time with lo as he wouldn't eat from a bottle.

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