Going off (missing!) the pill question :~)................


Mar 22, 2005
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If anyone has a more definate answer that would be most helpful. Let me first start by saying that a pregnancy would not be a bad thing, just not planned. I am 27, been on the combination 28-day pill for 10 years and for the FIRST time about two months ago missed too many pills and had to wait for my period to begin a new pillpack. Well, i did and only took Sunday nite-Friday nite before I forgot again! Some sites have said that if you begin within six days of your period then you are immediately protected from the first pill of the pack..........others say NO, it takes a full seven days to be protected - AFTER you have completed a whole pack successfully....? Conflicting info on different websites I pulled up. Obviously, I am unprotected now, but don't know if I need to take one a day until Sunday and then just begin a whole new pack from that day on or what? I get sick when I "double-up" pills. And, since my boyfriend & I have unprotected sex there is always that chance of pregnancy now b/c I understand I could be ovulating since I was off of the pill for a cycle....... so confusing :~) This would be about ovulation time now, but did taking those six pills stop that or throw it out-of-whack? And if conception were to take place is resuming the pill going to hinder implantation.......THANKS for any input!
Ooh I can't do the maths! V confusing! I'm not sure you know- I mean I remember the doctor who used to give me the pill saying that there were certain pills out of the month that if you missed weren't as vital as others but that they didn't generally tell people that in case they got it mixed up but as I thought I'd be one of those people who'd get mixed up I didn't ask which! I think your best bet would be to ask whoever you get your pills off of or your local Family Planning clinic as they'll deal with this kind of question a lot I'd think.

Good luck! Sorry not to be able to help- I've got a book on the pill that I've checked but it isn't very clear about this either.
Thanks for the suggestions. I had a "withdrawal bleed" that acted more like a period at the time I would have been due to ovulate. It has ended this past Saturday, but today I have pinkish, watery spotting w/some light cramping......what is this?! If ovulation did occur b/c of the missed pills and it actually fertilized, can it still successfully implant after this withdrawal bleed? Unsure :~)

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