going it alone

Rach im so sorry to hear this hunnie but you know where we all are if you need us and if you ever need to chat my e-mail addy is [email protected] (i'l be about although i'l be moving)
Take Care Sweety
-xx- :hug:
Rach im so so sorry hun, please dont say sorry u have nothing to be sorry for we are all here for u when u need to get things off ur chest.
i hope things start to look up for u afterall u truely do deserve some happiness.
xxxxx :hug:
Ahhh Rach, that's such a shame :(

You have been under a huge amount of stress lately though.

I hope where ever you go from here you are happy.

You really deserve to be :hug:
I'm so sorry.

All i can say is that you are in my thoughts.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh hun im so sorry we are all hear for you whenever you need us. Take care and really hope everything works out ok. :hug: :hug: x x
Oh Rach, I am so so sorry to hear your news.

It's hard to know what to say in these situations but to let you know that we are here for you... :hug:

whatever happens you seem to be a very strong person and I am sure you will get through regardless of the outcome.

Well we are due around the same time as each other, maybe we can support each other along the way along with the other girls...

take care and I really hope that things work out how you would like them to :hug:

Please believe that positive things will happen to you, good things are already coming your way with this lovely baby growing inside you :hug:

Pea x
Rach, so sorry to hear this. i really hope you can sort things out, you know we are all here for you hun. Want to send you a big hug .... :hug: Thinking of you x x
Rach I cant believe this you have had such an awfull few months Im sending you lots of hugs :hug:

I know it seems impossible and daunting at the moment, but In hindsight Im sure things will work out for the best. Whenever things have been really awfull in my life and I havent known how I would get through, somehow I have, and when you look back on them you realise if those things hadn't have happened you would never have got to where you are. hese thinks only make us stronger and thinks will get better for you.

Were all thinking of you, you have so many friends here who care about you and we are always here if you need to talk.

Hun i am so sorry i hope everything work sout for you , your such a brave strong girl and seems like alot of us really look to you.
Maybe there might be a chance in the future of getting back together even though things were said. My parents first born (my sister) was still born and they had a rough time with it they broke up for a while then got back together, then got pregnant with my sister., so maybe there is still hope for you two theres no wonder you are stressed out by now.
:hug: everything will work out im sure
thanks everyone for your kind replies :) xxxxxxxx
Oh Rach I am so sorry babe, after everything that's gone on in the last few months you must be feeling terrible. Sending you massive massive hugs, you know we are alll here to support you xxxx :hug:
Rach- I am so sorry to hear your news :hug: :hug: :hug:

I hope everything works out ok in the end for you :hug:
rach am so sorry am here for you as the rest of the forum are. thinking of you xx :hug:
Oh Rach, I don't know what to say to you babe. You have really been through the worst possible times in the last year or so haven't you. But remember when you found out you were pg with Jamie..... I don't want to dredge up old feelings, but you coped being on your own then didn't you? You have Luke to support you, and everyone on here. You are so strong and you will prove this again now.

You know where we are if you need us. I only wish I lived nearer to you so I could give you a real hug, but this will have to do for now. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Rach, I'm so sorry to hear your news.
You both as parents have been through something no parent should ever have to go through.
You have been and are so strong a person - every one here will support you.
Luke has been through so much too for a young lad.

I hope you will find happiness -

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