going it alone


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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well what ive been expecting to happen for a while now has finally happened me and o/h have split up :( was a really nasty fight and lots of very hurtful things said both ways :(
i think at the end of the day the stress of losing jamie and then ttc again and now finally the stress of carrying another baby and not knowing if this one will make it was too much for both of us and the cracks that have always been there finally ripped apart :(
was really struggling to cope with all this while i was with o/h really dont know how im going to get through next few months am sat here now in complete tears and really dont know what to do
sorry just feeling really alone right now and needed to tell someone :oops: xxxxxxxxx
:hug: :hug: Rach i am so sorry to hear this hun. You are an amazing, strong person and i know you'll get through this. We are all here for you xxxx
:hug: big big :hug: to you hun, you will get through it. Just post whatever you want on here, we dont care. Your not alone.
Oh no! I'm so sorry sweetie :(. I'm stuck with words now, don't know what to say. You don't see any chance of you getting back together? Maybe you just both need a break? I know this is not what you're thinking right now but when things settle down in a few weeks maybe you can talk about it and sort things out. Really hope things improve for you two...

many many hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

edited to add, try not to think too ahead of time, baby steps, one day at a time
Oh no Rach, I'm so sorry :( I'm sure both you and baby will be absolutely fine - who knows, in time you might work things out with OH, I hope you do. We're all here for you xxxxxx
Aww Rach :( I am so sorry to hear that hun
we are here for you no matter what, you may just need a bit of space to sort your heads out
Hang on in there girl you can do it :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Really sorry Rach, hopefully you may be able to repair the relationship. Like you said you've been under a lot of stress, more than a lot of people could cope with. You've done amazingly well over the past few months, I have huge admiration for your strength and courage through some very difficult times.

Sending you some hugs and thinking of you :hug:
rach im really sorry about you and oh. try and be as positive as you can for babys sake, as everyone else has said your an extremely strong person and we all admire you for that. hopefully things will work themselves out and maybe with a bit of space you may be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. big :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Rach im so sorry, you have had a terrible time recently, if you and OH cant work things out you no we are all here for you. if you ever need a good rant or some one to cry to pm for my number x x
Rach I am so sorry hun. I can only mirror what the others have said to you, we are all here for you as support and a shoulder for you to cry on. ((((hugs)))))))

Aw Rach

You are so strong and have helped me through the crap times so i know you can do this - we are all here for you x

Me and OH are on our last legs I think.... cant take much more... Its all the stress.... beginning to think i will be better on my own but then no baby. But the doc said i am too overweight anyway to concieve so i am no good anyway.

4 st from my 'ideal' weight so will be about 40 when i have lost the weight!!!

Take care hun

lv Donna xxx
thanks everyone theres no way we will get back together too many hurtful things have been said :cry: unforgivable things :cry: i just feel right now as if nothing in my life will ever go right again sorry for the moaning xxxxxxx
Im sorry huni, As everyone has said you are a very strong person and if anyone can get through this its you. Just relax and think about the baby inside you because that will make you happy :).

I really hope you are ok and if you need to talk to anyone feel free to add me to msn [email protected]

take care hun
cas xx
oh hunni i am so so sorry this is the last thing that u needed!
if u ever need to tlk im here
So sorry to hear of everything you have gone through and are now going through! I dont know you but from what ive read it sounds like you are a strong person and I am sure with time you will be ok, and before you know it you will have your lovely baby in your arms! :hug:
im so sorry, you have been through so much. You are in my thoughts.

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