It's very hard to get out the door with two so prepare as much as you can the night before (my two are 21 months apart). Introduce the baby gradually to your toddler so they don't feel pushed out, I didn't hold my baby in front of my toddler for the first couple of days and especially when he came to the hospital for the first time as I didn't want to stress him any further. My toddler ignored the baby for the first few days but now loves him to bits. Be prepared that your toddler might shows signs of stress/anxiety and provides lots of one on one attention if possible, it might take a few weeks to show - my toddler started waking at night when my baby was about 6 weeks old and this lasted a couple of weeks. I found that the newborn was relatively easy, it's the toddler you need to really watch out for. It's tempting to be overprotective with the baby but again you need to let your toddler touch the baby and learn to be gentle, I think keeping him away could create resentment (not saying you would but I know some people think this way). Try and get out of the house every day even if it's just a short walk, it really helps break the day up and settle the kids if they need it. Accept any help available to you, it is hard! Xx