Going back to work


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2006
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I start back at work tomorrow i'm really nerves attually, i really don't want to go back but some things just have to happen, its not to bad cos my parents are looking after kacy and this tuesday my o/h is off so he is looking after kacy, daddy and daughter day, so that will be fun for him.

Kacy has a cold so its a good thing she is not beening put in a nursery cos she wouldn't be able to go tomorrow, that would of been one way of getting out of going back to work.

i talk alot when i'm nerves sorry.
Its not so bad being back at work. The first few days are the hardest then its cool. There are benefits to being back at work like being able to eat lunch without interuption (especially when they are fussy) and being able to go to the loo with the door shut :D .

I hope you get on okay
ah good luck hun :D

i went back last week, lauramum's right it wasnt too bad at all. like you i leave alex with family and he is all smiles when i leave and seems to have a fab time! i think if he screamed blue murder i'd hate it!

your username always makes me smile by the way,my gran's name is win and my grandads was stanley! :lol:
I dont get a second glance when I leave for work. I can honestly say that in a year and a half she hasnt cried once when I have left for work. I make a great impact on her, lol.

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