Going away without your baby


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2007
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Its my partners 40th birthday in April, and I've been thinking of things I can do and I started thinking about going to Egypt as hes always wanted to go. After asking around about how safe it is to take babies over (as Alex will be 10 months by then) I decided it wasn't the best plan.
Well I'd given up on that idea, then my mum asked me if I minded if she took Alex away with them next year in their caravan. They go and stay all over the country and once a year take my nephew with them for a little break, and asked if next year she could take Alex too. I said I'd speak to Richard and get back to her. She then said that if I want she will plan to go at the same time I was thinking of taking Richard to Egypt. I was really pleased and thought yeah, great idea. But now I'm thinking there is no way I can go 2 weeks without seeing Alex. It is a long time isn't it? Everyone keeps saying to me I need to take people up on their offers of babysitting or it'll be a nightmare when hes older and he'll be clingy, but 2 weeks is a hell of a long time for both of us really. I know it won't bother Richard as much as it does me, because he works in London and we officially live near Blackpool so goes long periods of time without seeing him.

Think I should go for it and stop fretting or not? I'm also worried I'll book it and decide to go, and pull out at the last minute
I couldn't either. My DD is 14 months and I haven't left her overnight yet.

Its a lot of money to lose if you might change your mind and going to Egypt isn't like going to a city in the U.K. or Europe - I'd panic about how to get home if something happened. Could you scale down your plans, go away for less time and somewhere nearer (but still let your mum take him)?

Also, are you breastfeeding? And if yes, do you still intend to be then?

Valentine Xxx
Hmm I think it'd be tough to be away from them for 2 weeks. DD is 3 and while I've left her for a night I don't think I could leave her for more than that. But that's just me. I think I would scale down your plans and go somewhere for a weekend or something, I mean it'd be great to go to Egypt for a special birthday like a 40th but you can go anytime really and maybe in a few years when you can really get the full enjoyment of it. Plus if you stayed in local for a couple of nights you could get a really swanky hotel!
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I couldnt do it either, I havent been away from Maddison overnight yet either and she's 13 months. Of course it is entirely up to you. If you think you would be ok with it then go for it, Egypt is lovely :wink:
I have spent total of 3 hours away from Jack since he was born, that was last week for our anniversary. It wasn't as bad as I thought. But OH wants a holiday with us and his brothers next summer and I just can't see me doing it for a whole week.

We are however looking to go to Paris fo 2-3 nights at Christmas time and his parents who I trust 1000% with Jack have offered to look after him. I'm worrying about it still but think I'll be ok with it and we'll probably phone 3 times a day to check in on things!
I personally wouldnt do it,but its got to be what you feel comfortable with really as everyones different :hug:
We went to Bulgaria for a week when Stanley was 8 months and I never regretted it. I missed him while we were away of course, but he had a whale of a time with nanny and grandad and never pined. He regulary takes trips to Liverpool without us for a night or two and he's very independant but happy, chilled and loves his mummy and daddy.
I could for 2 nights but not for 2 weeks. Couldnt you arrange something a bit closer to home, maybe a long weekend or something? You could make it just as special :)
I said yes but maybe for a few days instead of 2 weeks ;)
There is no way i could do it, i cant even leave mine overnight lol but 2 weeks is along time to not be around
I could go for a couple of days when LO is a year or more, maybe a bit longer but not 2 weeks. That's a lifetime to a small child who has no concept of time. I would worry my LO would not understand where I was or when I was coming back. He may be used to an overnight but or two and be fine with it but 2 weeks at a young age would be a defo no for me.

If you think you can do it then great, if you have any doubts at all I'd say listen to them and don't do it.
I personally wouldn't be able to do it but if you feel comfortable leaving him for 2 weeks then go for it, you know he will be well looked after and you could speak to ure mum whenever you need to to see how he is
I couldn't do it. I've left him over night a few time but I ache to see him the next day so two weeks would be out of the question for me. Have a good think about it before you book anything hun, if you feel you can then go for it and enjoy the break :hug:
I couldn't, the main reason being like Sherlock said, babies not having the understanding to know you will be back, you know but baby won't, that's waht always prayed on my mind and why I never left Isaac. It is your decision, I think LO's age is more of a factor here than whether to leave or how long for. As for how safe it is, if you're in a tourist resort then surely it will be child friendly anyway? Could you not check with a travel agent as to your chosen resort and so all go as a family? Very best wishes, hope things go well whatever you decide :hug: :hug: :hug:
Me and my dh went to Gibraltar for 10 days when Aaron was 7 months old and he stayed with my mum. I was so worried about it but I trusted my mum 100% and knew he'd be well looked after. The main thing I worried about was him forgetting us. He had a lovely time with Nanny getting spoilt and when we walked through the door he beamed at us so didn't forget at all! It was nice for us to have a break. It's totally down to personal choice hun!
yeah actually, i did think to myself he'll forget us. and my other worry was like a couple of you said, he dosnt understand when i will be back.

i don't think i'll book anything

bray is 3 now and i struggle leaving him for one nite let alone any more lol

but if u feel u can then thats ur choice

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